Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication can convey multiple aspects of information such as:

  • Emotions
  • Needs
  • Intentions
  • Attitudes
  • Thoughts

As a large part of information is transported through nonverbal cues the communication changes drastically when they are missing. Sarcasm, humor or anger might be missed if facial expressions can not be read properly. However, a major part of nonverbal communication is based on social and cultural habits that can differ from person to person.

“Nonverbal signals are important in many psychological processes, including attachment, attraction, social influence, deception, self-presentation, and interpersonal self-fulfilling prophecies.”

Typical ways of expression emotion or transfer information nonverbally are eye and head movements, gestures, posture, and gait.

Another important aspect that is part of conversations but isn’t communicated through speech are auditory cues like tone of voice, pitch, speed and pace of speech, and volume.


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