UI Design: A Key Element in Gaming

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild

Motivation and Goals

Playing video games is one of my hobbies, but I often noticed that poor UI and UX can detract from the overall gaming experience. I have come to realize that something as small as a game‘s user interface can have a huge impact on the quality of the game and lead to less enjoyment.

This sparked my interest in understanding what constitutes good UI in games and how it differs from UI in websites. With this goal in mind, I decided to dive into this topic and gain a better understanding of good and bad practices for game user interfaces. 

My focus will mainly be on AAA games. I want to find out what the best methods for developing user interfaces are, as well as determine if there are general principles for designing user interfaces in games.

Another area of interest for me is the essentials for a good head-up-display (HUD) in games. I am curious about how much information is appropriate for a HUD, as well as the most common HUD components and how they can be effectively visualized.

Additionally, I want to explore the process of prototyping UI and UX in games, as I believe that the prototyping process in games may differ from that of websites.

Before i get more into the topic of user interfaces in gaming, it is important to find out what a user interface is in general and which topics it covers:

What is UI-design?

The field of UI design focuses is the aesthetic design of all visual elements of a digital product‘s user interface. It is distinct from UX design, which focuses on optimizing of user satisfaction by improving the usability and accessibility of a product. UI designer are involving users preferences and are trying to create an interface that fulfills them. It has become an important tool for connecting with users and is vital for building customer loyalty and brand recognition.

What is a User Interface?

A user interface is the point of interaction between a person and a computer system or device. This includes elements such as display screens, keyboards, and the appearance of a desktop. The goal of a UI is to enable users to effectively control the computer or device they are interacting with by making it intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly.

What is a good User Interface?

„A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good.“ – Martin Leblanc

Good user interface design is creating an enjoyable experience for users. Poor UI design can lead to confusion and frustration for users, making it difficult for them to complete their task flow. The are many principles for good UI design, some of the important are:

  • minimizing cognitive load by avoiding unnecessary information
  • maintaining consistency throughout the interface
  • prioritizing clarity over complexity
  • giving users control over their interactions
  • and making the design invisible to the user.

Types of User Interfaces

Types of User Interfaces


A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is the most common type of user interface that most people are familiar with. It allows users to interact with a computer by using a mouse, trackpad, or other input device to point and click on graphics or icons on the screen. GUI has several advantages such as being self-explanatory, easy to use, and not requiring memorizing command lists.

Touchscreen GUI

A Touchscreen Graphical User Interface (GUI) is similar to the regular GUI, but it allows users to interact with a device by using their fingers or a stylus to select icons and perform tasks, instead of a mouse or trackpad. These interfaces are commonly found on tablets, smartphones, and medical devices like insulin pumps.


A Command Line Interface (CLI) is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with a computer by typing in commands. This type of interface is not commonly used in everyday consumer products, but it is still used in certain situations. With CLI, users type instructions into the command line, which directs the computer to a specific file or directory. From there, a range of commands become available, such as retrieving files or running programs.

Menu-Driven Interface

A menu-driven interface is a type of user interface that presents users with a list of commands or options, usually in the form of a menu displayed on the screen. An example of a menu-driven interface is an ATM machine.


A Voice User Interface (VUI) is a type of user interface that allows users to interact with an application using voice commands. They do not require clicks or swipes, but instead accept user input through spoken commands. These interfaces are used in voicebot or smart speaker technology and well-known examples include Amazon‘s Alexa and Apple‘s Siri.

User Interfaces on Websites or Apps

There are different types of user interface elements that are used to build interactive websites or apps. These elements provide touchpoints for users as they navigate and interact with the product. The four main categories of user interface elements are: input controls which allow users to input information into the system, navigation components that help users move around a product or website, informational components that share information with users, and containers that hold related content together.

User Interfaces in Games

A video game user interface is a design that provides players with tools to navigate, gather information and achieve objectives in the game. This includes elements like life bars, coin counters, maps, etc. Effective UI design in video games is critical and requires careful consideration of functionality and detail, much like mobile app UI design.

Why are User Interfaces in Gaming important?

The design of a game‘s user interface is crucial for players to understand gameplay mechanics, access relevant information, and start playing quickly. A well-designed UI with good storytelling, animations, graphics, mechanics and user experience can increase playtime and lead to more purchases. The quality of a game‘s UI has a significant impact on potential customer behavior and revenue.

https://careerfoundry.com/en/blog/ui-design/what-is-a-user-interface/: UI Design: A Key Element in Gaming https://altia.com/2014/09/22/different-types-of-ui/: UI Design: A Key Element in Gaming https://www.futureofvoice.com/blog/voicebots/voice-user-interface-vui-was-ist-das: UI Design: A Key Element in Gaming https://careerfoundry.com/en/blog/ui-design/what-is-a-user-interface/: UI Design: A Key Element in Gaming https://www.mockplus.com/blog/post/game-ui-design: UI Design: A Key Element in Gaming
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