Lighting and color in exhibition design

   Lighting and color play a very important role in our lives. They can make the space both harmonious and chaotic at the same time. They have a great influence on a person’s thoughts, can change an action or, on the contrary, cause an action. Color and lighting can irritate or soothe the eyes. They can increase yours blood pressure or vice versa decrease your appetite.

“Color! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams.” Paul Gauguin

Indeed, to imagine our life without colors and lights. That’s all If we let it go, it would be difficult for us to distinguish things from each other, ours would be lost sensations, etc.

Do you know what color means in your life and what it would be like for you?

Since color has energy, it is important to know which colors are right for you A living room surrounded by colors that make you feel calm. We can use color combinations to our advantage and get what we want Result. The main thing is to choose them correctly and carefully.

Scientists thought about color combinations centuries ago, and Isaac Newton He was the first to organize colors on a circle, he depicted this circle in 1666, while The introduction of Newton’s color wheel provided the basis for the development of color theory. The color itself In 1490, Leonardo da Vinci used and developed the theory of E. G. Ferta Circle (wheel) theory.

 3 combinations of colors are distinguished:

(1) primary colors,

(2) secondary colors, and

(3) Intermediate colors.

 People usually prefer one or at most two or three colors. That Depending on where we use these colors – when choosing clothes, interior or car. The pleasant or unpleasant feeling that a certain color gives us can change over time change over time. However, the color we prefer It provides extensive information about our character and emotional state.

White – White represents purity, smoothness, tenderness, neutrality, sterility. and youth.

Gray-is a color between black and white. It can express elegance, Cleanliness, respect, stability, tenderness. Often it is associated with pessimism, boredom is associated with.

Black – associated with darkness, secrecy, mystery.

Pink-is the color of life, pink is unacceptable for pragmatic people.

Red – Red is an intense, passionate color.

For Goethe, there were two primary colors, although unlike others, their white and He did not call black, but light and darkness. All other colors for him It is between these two conditions that the darkness or lightness of the color is placed It is measured by proximity or, conversely, distance.

“Color itself is the degree of darkness” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Goethe believed that each color had its own corresponding character and therefore Researched the psychological impact of individual colors on human emotions and mood.

Yellow is the closest color to light and its own It brings gentle and exciting sensations with its bright, flaky nature. However, on the other hand, if it is in a dark tone, for example, It turns sulphurous, leaving an unpleasant effect.

Blue has a peculiar, rather vague influence on people on the mood and it is placed between excitement and relaxation. Often Objects seen through blue glass are gloomy and melancholy appears. However, if the blue color is light, in particular, marine or It turns into green tones, then it gives pleasant sensations gives birth to.

Now something about lighting. Along with the color of the lighting, different types of light flow are used in the interior design. This allows to visually divide the building into separate zones. There are three types of flow: precise, when the lighting has a local character and is concentrated in a certain section , Dispersive, with a wide range of lighting that covers the largest part of the building, Reflected: This kind of flux is reflected from surrounding objects and illuminates a specific area. Due to its soft and diffuse nature, it is better perceived by the human eye. By combining different types of lighting and color, a unique effect is obtained and a special atmosphere is created.

 Lighting can visually increase, emphasize or hide some elements. The optimal distribution of lighting allows you to reduce or increase the space, create a cozy atmosphere and create the desired mood for a person. Lighting in modern design combines with style. Warm colors are used for classic decoration, and cold colors are used for modern or hi-tech. The most important characteristic of any lighting is color. The variety of shades depends on the light source. For example, if there is no violet and blue rays in the light source, the human eye perceives blue and green objects in its light in a completely different way than in natural lighting.

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