
Um ein noch besseres Verständnis aufzubauen, warum Menschen sich nicht die Hilfe hohlen die sich bräuchten möchte ich eine Umfrage verfassen. Sie soll verschiedene Themenbereiche abfragen.

Zunächst werden die Demografischen Daten abgefragt.

Dann soll das allgemeine Interesse am Thema und die Kontaktpunkte mit dem Thema erfragt werden.

Schließlich sollen eventuelle Stigmata identifiziert werden.

Des Weiteren werden Fragen gestellt über die Inanspruchnahme des Gesundheitssystem in Sachen Mental Health.

Zuletzt soll festgestellt werden welche Mittel genutzt werden um sich mit der eigenen Mentalen Gesundheit auseinander zu setzten.

  • What gender do you identify with?
  • Wie alt bist du?
  • Are you interested in the topic of mental health?
    Yes / No
  • How did you get in touch with the topic of mental health?
    Articles/ News
    Social Media
    Reconnaissance Campaign
    Not yet
  • What do you think about people who go to therapy?
  • Questions: Agree – Disagree
    People who go to therapy are weak.
    You should only go to therapy when you are in a really bad place.
    I would go to therapy after a burn-out.
    Therapy is for sensitive people.
    If I have depression, I would go to therapy.
    If I have mental problems, I would go to coaching.
    I work on my mental health.
  • Do you talk a lot with your friends/family about Mental health
    often – never
  • Which gender do you talk to about your Mental Health more often?
  • Have you ever been to therapy?
    Yes, No
  • When would you go to therapy?
  • Would you like to go to therapy (again)?
    Yes No
  • Why were you in therapy?
  • Why didn’t you go to therapy?
    I do not need it
    It is too expensive
    The waiting time is too long
    The process to get a therapist is too difficult
  • What bothers you about therapy?
  • What resources have you used to address your mental health?
    Mental Health Apps
    Self-help books
    Sports, Yoga
    AI Chat Bot
    Conversations with friends/family/acquaintances
    Mindfulness exercises
    Writing diary
  • Do you know what would be good for your mental health?
  • Do you have any further comments on the subject?
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