Survey: Preparation & Flow

As part of my Design and Research topic, my goal is to comprehend how interfaces can be modified to different cultural contexts in order to improve user experiences. So, for my next step I decided to do a survey with people on this subject. 

I decided to use a questionnaire as a data gathering tool to learn more about the opinions and experiences people had, who moved to Austria from other countries. I wanted to gather information about their cultural adaptability through interfaces. By doing the survey, I wanted to get a wide range of responses from people with different cultural backgrounds. 

I created a questionnaire to get information on the person’s experience with interfaces in Austria, their experience with bureaucracy, moving, etc and their opinion on how it is done now. I decided to do a first survey with one person to get both: receive information and also to see if some adjustments were needed. And after the first person, I realized that some questions needed to have more information or needed to be rephrased to make it easier for a person to understand and give a proper answer. After that I also added one more question to learn what flow people would have if they wanted to find something/ sign up for something, what kind of information they would need and what features would make the process easier.

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