IMPULSE #1_”Where Arts meets Science: Design and Development of Project Chimera” – Game Dev Days Graz

Today I was at the Game Dev Days 2023 in Graz. One talk was from Saeed Safikhani, who is a HCI Researcher and Tech Artist with the topic of “Where Arts meets Science: Design and Development of Project Chimera”. Project Chimera is a VR game specified in gamified learning. The user will find itself in an spaceship and explore it while learning about diverse topics. Which he pointed out during the talk was that you should never break the presence of the user in VR – which means when exploring or playing different levels the user should feel that jumping between the levels feels as natural (however “natural” feels like in VR :-P) as possible. In Project Chimera the user will be guided through different levels while using the elevator. Interaction implemented in the menu design is a way where the Virtual Reality experience is not interrupted and feels consistent for the user.

For my DesRes Research I take away the fact, that creating a menu design without interrupting the VR experience is essential for the user flow. As I am working on a virtual reality experience for an apprenticeship in a chef’s position, I need to think about the different level design and also a menu design which supports the user in his experience.

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