Impulse #1 – WUC Talk The Best and Worst Practices of the Discovery Phase (Jaime Levy)

Jaime Levy’s talk was about the importance of the Discovery Phase within UX Design. Discovering in the context of UX is significant for gathering evidence and is for example a part of the Double Diamond Process. She built her talk by using the example of finding an apartment in Berlin which was on the one hand funny and on the other a good example to understand her points. Step by step she introduced different methods and how they are used. Within each method she examined the dos and don’ts. The talk reminded me of the importance of using empirical methods as the foundation for a successful digital product. This is essential in order to be able to justify decisions on the one hand and on the other hand to have the requirements for the product examined from all sides. Of the methods (Steakholder Interviews, Competitive Research, Workshops, Costumer Interviews, Prototype Experiments, Critical thinking) she presented, some will be for sure useful for my topic. For example, costumer interviews will play a role for me. My intention is to interview my potential target group (kids/teens between 12 and 16) to be able to define the basic requirements on Instagram for this age group. Prototype experiments may also become interesting at a later stage in my project to test the implementation of initial ideas. I was lucky to be one of the youngest in the room to win a book by Jaime Levy on UX Strategy. I will definitely use this with regard to my master thesis and use methods from it to have a support for my approaches.

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