Here we go again 3.0 

Over the summer I kind of struggled with my topic. I was questioning myself if I really want to do this, if it is the right topic, if it is even relevant and so on. So I needed to sit down and try to collect and sort everything in my head that I can get a clear picture what I want to do, what I want to examine and how I am going to do this.

Therefore I started to create a Miro board where I put every brain dump in there and try to create a mind map with all the important information and steps. The miro board helped me quite a lot to visualize and frame my potential master thesis. Even though it seems to be a huge project for me, I am motivated to take on this challenge and realize it. The board itself is not really pretty and it still an ongoing process but here we are.

This is a screenshot of my Miro board:

What I also did the last weeks was to contact Petra Duhm from the WKO. In my previous blog entries I mentioned the application Berufe-VR. She is the leader of the project and she also gave me some information and we will have a chat probably in December. Another interesting project I found online was the Job Explorer from the company XRCONSOLE in Graz. I am in contact with their CEO and we also going to have a quick interview about their project next year.

In one of my impulses I went to the BeSt Berufsmesse and checked out how companies present themselves to teenagers and what media they use to deliver information to catch the attention. A few of them used VR Applications as well and the kids seem to enjoy the experience. Further information can be read in my impulse blog post 😉

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