Impulse #2 TikTok Ted2023

Content was based on people that you knew. Change that to content that you like.

Mission of TikTok: inspire creativity and bring joy.

  1. a window to discover
  2. A canvas to create
  3. Bridges for people to connect

Its easy to gain views on TikTok because you don’t need a big following.

The algorithm learns what to show to the user. Recommendation algorithm.

The app is taking over the whole screen space, a lot of people using that window to discover new things in their lives. People find communities over the recommendation algorithm. TikTok gives small businesses and creators a voice that they otherwise wouldn’t have.

On other platforms you already have to be kind of famous otherwise it’s very hard to get discovered.

You have to have a message that resonates with people than it will create the virality itself.

The rest of the talk was more about safety of TikTok and awareness for addiction for children. TikTok doesn’t want to create addiction and have different versions for younger users and show warnings after a longer period of using the app to get up and do something different.

TED. (2023, 21. April). TikTok CEO Shou Chew on its future — and what makes its algorithm different | Live at TED2023 [Video]. YouTube.

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