Research topic: Giving a picture a meaning.

How can storytelling strengthen the recipient’s emotional connection? This is the question I chose to work with. Storytelling is broadly about conveying a feeling or a message with words, sound or image. The focus will be on the combination of words and an image and how these can complement each other to enhance a short story by portraying people on just one A4 page.

The aim is to increase the knowledge regarding visual storytelling and how words together with a single frame can strengthen the recipient’s emotional connection to a short story. To get an answer, existing material such as the books “bedtime stories for rebel girls” and “this is a good guide for a sustainable lifestyle” will be studied as well as the books “Talk like ted” by Carmine Gall, “Design is Storytelling” by Ellen Lupton and “Agile Presentation Design – an innovator’s guide to more impactful presentations” written by Ole Tillmann.

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