Stakeholdermap and What is this

As I want to create a VR experience I examined the following stakeholders:

Young People: As the VR experience will be mainly targeted for young people they would be one of the primary stakeholders for the product. Right after that there would be parents/guardians who will be directly affected through the young people.

Government: The government would be one of the stakeholders in terms of new laws and regulations. Also the chamber of commerce would be a party of interest.

Schools: Another important stakeholder will be schools as they would act as one of the main parties where young people can try out the experience. Educational institutions and educational fairs for instance BeSt could also carry out such experiences.

Employers: Companies are from interest in providing resources and gaining new apprentices and employees. Career Counselors and NGO’s e.g. Bildungsinfo Graz would also benefit from the application.

Stakeholder Map:

For the task: What is this I chose VR Goggles as my product for the task

What is this: VR Goggles

  • What is it for
    • Creating experiences
    • To put it on
    • To immerse
    • To play, watch
  • How did it get there
    • By delivery
    • By carrying it
    • By ship/plane
  • who uses it?
    • People who like to try something new
    • People who don’t get motion sick
    • People who like to immerse themself
    • People who like to play/watch
    • People who like to gather experience
  • What does it do?
    • blinking
    • playing
  • When is it used?
    • Whenever the battery is charged
    • When it is needed
    • When people want to get entertain
    • When people want to get help
    • When people want to research
    • When people want to educate themselves
  • What is it made of?
    • Plastic
    • Metal
    • Aluminium
    • Ruber
    • Fabric
    • Battery
  • Who made it?
    • a company in e.g. China
    • a worker
    • researcher
    • designer
    • software programmer
  • Why does it exist?
    • For “help” purposes
    • For entertainment purposes
    • For research purposes
    • For educational purposes
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