Impuls 3. – Dwelling on Attention Span

In today’s world, where grabbing attention is the name of the game, the talk about how social media grabs our focus is getting louder. In this entry I will summarise a Joe Rogan podcast episode #1558 with Tristan Harris, where they talk about how social media platform really want to captivate us.

Tristan Harris, a big voice for doing tech right, explained how social media algorithms are built to keep us glued. They’ve got this tailored content, those never-ending pings, and that endless scrolling—all to keep us hooked on that dopamine rush, wrecking how we concentrate.

Our ability to focus takes a hit, work efficiency goes down, and sticking to a task? Lately seems fairly difficult. Harris even hinted how this impacts our minds, sparking anxiety and messing with our well-being.

There is a solution. Once you clock these tactics, you’ve got the power to grab your attention back. Setting limits, being careful about screen time, and just being aware.

In this podcast Rogan and Harris really made me you rethink how I should use my technology. In general, It’s about taking charge, where we need to remind ourselves that we’re the boss of our gadgets, not the other way around.

I recommend watching the whole podcast(**)**,

but if you are interested here is a brief clip from the episode:

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