Blog #5 – Expose v.1

The Problem
Short form video is a pretty new feature in the social media world. What is the best way the tackle a live event with it. How can you do preproduction? How will you do edit and organizing content in the most efficient way? Will you edit everything on phone or are the traditional tools the way to go? And how can you gain views on the content you created? What will make a video sharable? A lot of questions, will those have one big answer?

State of research
Since short form video is quite new, there are not a lot of scientific papers about it. There are a lot of papers and books about traditional marketing where I can put out the essence of marketing and put those findings in my topic. I’ll probably also have to interview people to gain some information about best practice.

The question
How to achieve social media campaign goals for an event in the best possible way (focused on short form video)

The hypothesis
This master thesis will provide the guidelines for an optimized social media campaign based on short form video. 

The reference to theory
There are a lot of social media campaigns with short form video but you rarely find the secret recipe to the best way of doing it the right way. Short form video is quite new and therefore, there is a lot to list out what is the best way to do so.

The Method
The method will be based on three pillars:

  1. Best practice, analyze previous campaigns. And interview people who play a key role in defining the industry, are questioned about their social media management processes and point out what the importance is of a good social media campaign.
  2. Theoretical contextualization of traditional and agile marketing/social media methods.
  3. Implementation, of all the findings to a social media campaign for a live event (achtvanbladel)

 All pillars are combined to find optimized guidelines for a social media campaign focused on short form video.

The Material
There are all kinds of sources available: Theoretical books, scientific papers, Tedtalks, Interviews, data of previous campaigns

For the Bibliography I dont have that much sources that I know I’m gonna use for sure.
– Brown, R. E., Jones, V. K. & Wang, M. (o. D.). The new advertising: branding, content, and consumer relationships in the data-driven social media era. Volume 1 Traditional advertising tranformed (Volume 1).
– Coker, K. K., Flight, R., & Baima, D. M. (2017). Skip it or view it: The Role of Video Storytelling in Social Media Marketing. Researchgate.
– Kurzrock, Ethan. (2019). Intensified Play: Cinematic study of TikTok mobile app. 
– Sidorova, E. (2022). Global art market in the aftermath of COVID-19.


  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Introduction
  4. Literature review
  5. Method
  6. Results
  7. Conclusion
  8. Discussion

February – April: Theoretical part, best practice, analyse previous campaigns. And interview people who play a key role in defining the industry, are questioned about their social media management processes and point out what the importance is of a good social media campaign.
April – June: Preproduction for Implementation
July – August: Social media campaign for a live event (achtvanbladel)
August – September: Results, Conclusion, Discussion

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