Interview with Petra Duhm

Last week, shortly before Christmas I had the honor to conduct an interview with Petra Duhm. She is the project lead for the platform “Berufe-VR” by WKO. Mrs. Duhm and I talked about my thesis topic as well as the project “Berufe-VR”. She explained how they started the project and also about the pits and falls she and her team faced during the implementation phase. Also how they started shortly before the COVID-19 Pandemic started. Another important partner which was involved in this project was the Tyrolean company Mediasquad. They developed the VR application and were responsible for the technical aspects.

The project is very successful and currently they have 50 videos on the platform. For the next year 10 new videos are planned. The hardware used is a pair of VR-glasses from Pico. They swichted from the Oculus to Pico regarding some license issues.

The interview I had with Mrs. Duhm gave me a lot of interesting insights and we will stay in touch for future exchange.

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