Exposé II (now in English)

Arbeitstitel = vorläufiger Titel

A world beyond books – Augmented reality in children’s books

1. das Problem (Ausgangspunkt, Problembeschreibung) (max. ½ Seite)

Welches theoretische, praktische, soziale, usw. Problem ist Ausgangspunkt der Arbeit.

Was ist aus Ihrer Sicht die wahre Ursache des Problems? Wo liegt das Problem tatsächlich?

The initial problem is the challenge of keeping children’s attention and interest in reading books in an age of digital distractions, particularly mobile phones and other electronic devices. The high release of dopamine from the immediacy and interactivity of mobile phone use contrasts with the slower release of dopamine from reading, which is built up over time through immersion in the story.

Mobile phones are not the ultimate rival of books, but the immediate reward of mobile phones draws attention away from books. The challenge is to find ways to keep children focused on books by combining the benefits of digital interaction with the benefits of slower but deeper reading. The aim is to use mobile phones not as an enemy, but as a tool to encourage children to read, to keep them focused on the story and to get them excited about the world of books.

2. den Forschungsstand

Wie ist der Stand der Forschung zu diesem Problem? Welche Erkenntnisse liegen vor? Was ist bislang noch nicht (ausreichend) behandelt, geklärt oder widersprüchlich? Welchen Bezug zur vorliegenden Forschung hat die eigene Arbeit?

The research on augmented reality in children’s books and learning is still relatively young. While there is a growing body of research looking at the short-term effects of AR on children’s reading behaviour and learning, long-term studies in this area are still limited. Current evidence suggests that AR in children’s books can increase children’s interest and engagement by providing an interactive and visually engaging reading experience. However, there are still uncertainties about the long-term effects of AR on children’s reading behaviour and learning. My work aims to build on this existing research and potentially provide new insights through innovative approaches to the integration of AR in children’s books.

3. die Fragestellung / Forschungsfrage

Auf welche Frage(n) soll(en) in der Arbeit eine Antwort/en gegeben werden?

Does augmented reality increase attention span while reading? This question will investigate whether the interactive elements and visual stimuli of AR in children’s books help to increase young readers’ attention and concentration, or whether they may lead to distractions that could affect reading time or quality.

Are older generations willing to embrace new technologies? This question includes the willingness of older generations/adults to use AR while they support young readers in their reading.

Does Augmented Reality make reading more enjoyable? The aim is to find out to what extent AR can increase the enjoyment and engagement of young readers, and how this technology influences narrative and engagement with books.

Is the integration of augmented reality in children’s books sustainable? This includes investigating the effects of AR on children’s reading behaviour and motivation, as well as the potential and challenges for the future.

4. die Hypothese bzw. das Ziel/die Zielsetzung der Arbeit (max. ½ Seite)

Was soll erreicht, bewiesen, widerlegt bzw. gestaltet, programmiert … werden? Zielkatalog 

The thesis aims to explore the influence of augmented reality (AR) on children’s reading behavior, engagement, and the willingness of different generations to embrace this technology in the realm of children’s literature. The hypotheses presented herein serve as the guiding framework for this research, employing a mixed-method approach encompassing qualitative and quantitative analyses.

My first hypothesis suggests that augmented reality integrated into children’s books enhances young readers’ attention spans compared to traditional books. Because, augmented reality significantly amplifies the enjoyment and engagement of young readers, it enhances their narrative experience and overall satisfaction with reading. The interactive nature of AR is anticipated to positively influence children’s enjoyment of the reading process. I posit that the inclusion of interactive elements and visual stimuli in AR significantly increases engagement with the content, thereby improving attention spans among young readers.

The second hypothesis challenges the assumption that older generations might be less willing to embrace AR technology in children’s books compared to younger generations. Instead, I propose that older generations exhibit a similar receptiveness to such technological advancements, especially when supporting young readers despite potential technological unfamiliarity.

Finally, my last hypothesis explores the sustainability of AR integration in children’s books for the future and its potential impact on reading behavior and motivation. Despite potential challenges in implementation and acceptance, I aim to investigate the positive effects of AR integration on children’s reading habits and motivation.

The hypotheses outlined herein lay the foundation for an in-depth investigation into the impact of AR on children’s reading experiences and the acceptance of this technology among diverse generational cohorts. Through rigorous analysis and iterative testing, this study aims to contribute valuable insights into the integration of AR in children’s literature.

5. den Theoriebezug

Auf welche Erklärungsansätze bzw. Theorien wird Bezug genommen?

Wie ist ihr Blickwinkel? Wie ist ihre Position?

Media theory: The focus here is on theories that analyse the interaction between media and users. For example, concepts such as Marshall McLuhan’s “The Medium is the Message”, which focuses on how media influence our perception and interaction with the world.

Cognitive science: Theories from this area could explain how children absorb, process and learn information. This may relate to how AR in children’s books can influence understanding, cognitive development or learning.

Game theory and pedagogy: Some approaches could look at the use of AR in children’s books as a pedagogical tool that promotes learning through play.

6. die Methode

Wie ist das methodische Vorgehen (Arbeitsschritte, Vorgehensweise?) Welche Methoden und Instrumente wollen sie im Projekt einsetzen? Wie sieht ein möglicher Lösungsweg bzw. eine mögliche Vorgehensmethodik aus? Wie soll das Problem gelöst, die Frage beantwortet, wie sollen die Quellen ausgewertet werden?

The thesis uses different methods in its various pars. On the one hand, secondary research is carried out by means of a qualitative literature analysis in order to present the field of Augmented Reality and the current findings, as well as the field of children’s books and, of course, the connection between the two. In doing so, I will develop my own hypotheses based on the relevant literature in the area under analysis.

On the other hand, primary research is carried out during the development of the product. Observational studies and interviews or questionnaires are used. The observational study was chosen because external observation provides objective insights and valid and understandable results. Interviews and questionnaires, on the other hand, provide an insight into the respondents’ own opinions and systematically record the results. They also allow larger test groups to be analysed more quickly and no results to be overlooked.

Test groups and test phases: The test is carried out with two test groups.The first group consists of a primary school teacher and her grandchildren (all of primary school age). They will receive, test, evaluate and give feedback on parts of the product in three phases. The principle of grounded theory will be applied – „Dabei wechseln sich Datensammlung und Auswertung so lange gegenseitig ab, bis neue Auswertungen keine neuen Kenntnisse mehr erbringen.“ In other words, iterations are made based on feedback to optimise the story and concept.

The second test group consists of children aged 5-10 with little reading experience and their parents (who have grown up with technology) and grandparents (who are less familiar with technology). Their response to the book and interaction with the AR elements will be observed and documented. The focus is therefore on an observational study. The observational study is designed to capture the first impression and interaction with the technology. However, as it is not possible to test parents and grandparents in the classroom, the book will also be tested at home and the reaction of this target group will be analysed with an accompanying questionnaire.

Independent test group: An independent test group (the second test group) is involved in order to record the first impression of the new version of the book. Not only the handling of the technology, but also the reading enjoyment and the reactions of the children are recorded.

Independent test group: An independent test group (the second test group) is involved in order to record the first impression of the new version of the book. Not only the handling of the technology, but also the reading enjoyment and the reactions of the children are recorded.

Data analysis and evaluation: The data collected from the test phases is evaluated in order to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of AR integration on reading behaviour, reading motivation and the reactions of the different age groups. A quantitative analysis is used for closed questions in order to summarise the results compactly and a qualitative content analysis according to Mayring is used for open questions. The findings will serve as a basis for further adjustments and the final evaluation of the success of the AR-based children’s book integration.

7. das Material

Welches Material, welche Quellen gibt es zum Thema?

Welche Quellen (Daten, Videos, Vergleichsmaterial, …) liegen vor, welche müssen ermittelt werden?

There is a vast amount of material available online covering the application of Augmented Reality. This includes case studies, application examples, tutorials and technical resources for AR development.

Journals and academic publications: Studies in journals dealing with the integration of AR in educational contexts may provide relevant insights and current findings.

Books and research reports: There are books and research reports on the design of children’s books using AR technology. These provide insights into the design and realisation of such books.

Online platforms and blogs: Platforms where authors, developers and educators share their experiences of developing and using AR (also in children’s books) provide valuable information.

8. (Vorläufiges) Literaturverzeichnis unter Einhaltung der Zitierregeln

Artivive (o. J.) Why AR Is Better Than VR For Artists And Creativep.In: Artivive Blog https://artivive.com/ar_vs_vr_for_art/ (last accessed on 05.12.2023)

Bortz, Jürgen/ Döring, Nicola. Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler: mit 87 Tabellen. 4. überarb. Aufl. Heidelberg: Springer 2006

Dörner, Ralf u. a.: Virtual und Augmented Reality (VR/AR): Grundlagen und Methoden der Virtuellen und Augmentierten Realität. 2. überarb. Aufl. Berlin: Springer 2019

Glover, Jesse/ Linowese, Jonathan: Complete Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development with Unity: Leverage the Power of Unity and Become a Pro at Creating Mixed Reality Applicationp.Birmingham: Packt Publishing 2019

Interaction Design Foundation – IxDF (2020) Reality – The Past, The Present and The Future. In: Interaction Design Foundation CommunityAugmented 

https://www.interaction-design.org/literature/article/augmented-reality-the-past-the-present-and-the-future (last accessed on 05.12.2023)

Javornik, Ana (October 04, 2016): The Mainstreaming of Augmented Reality: A Brief History. In: Harvard Business Review https://hbr.org/2016/10/the-mainstreaming-of-augmented-reality-a-brief-history (last accessed on 05.12.2023)

Liu, Shiyu u. a.: Reading better with AR or print picture books? A quasi-experiment on primary school students’ reading comprehension, story retelling and reading motivation. In: Education and Information Technologies (2023). <https://link-1springer-1com-1xaftlw6f019f.perm.fh-joanneum.at/article/10.1007/s10639-023-12231-4> (last accessed on 27.11.2023)

Mayring, Philipp. Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse : Grundlagen und Techniken. 12. überarbeitete Auflage. Weinheim: Beltz 2015

Mayring, Philipp/ Fenzl, Thomas: Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. In: Baur, Nina/ Blasius, Jörg (eds): Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Springer VS: Wiesbaden (2019) p. 633–648 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-21308-4_42

McLuhan, Marshall: Das Medium ist die Massage: ein Inventar medialer Effekte. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta 2011

Moser, Sibylle. Konstruktivistisch forschen: Methodologie, Methoden, Beispiele. 2. Aufl. Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss. 2011

Pangilinan, Erin: Creating Augmented and Virtual Realities: Theory & Practice for Next-Generation Spatial Computing. Boston: O’Reilly Media 2019

Pesce, Mark: Augmented Reality: Unboxing Tech’s Next Big Thing. Medford: Polity Press 2021

Rauschnabel, Philipp A./Felix, Reto/Hinsch, Chris: Augmented reality marketing: How mobile AR-apps can improve brands through inspiration. In: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 49 (2019), p. 43–53

Saunders, Mark/ Lewis, Philip./ Thornhill, Adrian. Research Methods for Business Students, 3. Auflage. Edinbourgh: Prentice Hall 2003

Strübing, Jörg. Methodologie interpretativer Sozialforschung: klassische Grundlagentexte. Konstanz: UVK-Verl.-Ges. 2004

Wikipedia. Die freie Enzyklopädie (21.09.2021), p.v. Erweiterte Realität,

https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Erweiterte_Realit%C3%A4t&oldid=238665565 (last accessed on 28.11.2023)

Wikipedia. Die freie Enzyklopädie (21.09.2021), p.v. Mixed Reality,

https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mixed_reality&oldid=234372948 (last accessed on 28.11.2023)

9. die vorläufige Gliederung

Welche Aspekte sollen in welcher Reihenfolge behandelt werden?

  1. Introduction
  2. Introduction to the topic and definition of terms
  3. methodlogies
  4. Augmented Reality
  5. Children’s books
  6. Learning with Augmented Reality
  7. Software and Implementation
  8. Interviews, questionnaires, observations and their results
  9. workpiece
    • Documentation
    • Description
    • Explanation of how the results were integrated into the product
  10. conclusion


Introduction and definition of terms: The work begins with an introduction that defines basic terms such as augmented reality, mixed reality and their relevance to children’s book development. 

Software and implementation: A chapter that provides a step-by-step introduction to the software used to implement augmented reality. This could include practical examples or step-by-step instructions.

Evaluation of learning with augmented reality: The work examines the impact of AR on learning, particularly in the context of children’s books.The chapter could also look specifically at the use of AR in children’s books and highlight the potential pedagogical advantages and disadvantages.

Interviews, questionnaires, observations and results: This chapter documents the interviews, questionnaires and observations, and discusses their findings.

Documentation of the resulting product: At the end, the developed product is described and explained. Here it is shown how the product implements the collected findings and concepts.


Bortz, Jürgen/ Döring, Nicola. Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation für Human- und Sozialwissenschaftler: mit 87 Tabellen. 4. überarb. Aufl. Heidelberg: Springer 2006

Flandorfer, Priska (2021) Grounded Theory einfach erklärt – Auswertung & Methodologie. In: scribbr, https://www.scribbr.de/methodik/grounded-theory/ (last accessed on 7. January 2024)

Mayring, Philipp/ Fenzl, Thomas: Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. In: Baur, Nina/ Blasius, Jörg (eds): Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Springer VS: Wiesbaden (2019) p. 633–648 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-21308-4_42

McLuhan, Marshall: Das Medium ist die Massage: ein Inventar medialer Effekte. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta 2011

Saunders, Mark/ Lewis, Philip./ Thornhill, Adrian. Research Methods for Business Students, 3. Auflage. Edinbourgh: Prentice Hall 2003

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