Acquistion of information from pupils regarding apprenticeships

For my following blog post I was looking into where pupils acquire their needed information for vocational programs. To get a deeper insight, I was interviewing 2 people at the age of thirteen and fourteen, on what is their opinion on finding the needed information regarding apprenticeships or secondary schools. The interview was held in german.

For those who are not familiar with the term of “Polytechnische Schule” and “vocational orientation”, you can find the description below the interviews.

For my first interview, I was interviewing a 14-old boy who is currently attending “Polytechnische Schule” in Reutte. In autumn 2023 he will start an apprenticeship.

Nadja: You are currently visiting the “Polytechnische Schule” in Reutte. How does the subject vocational oraining proceed in your school?

Interviewee 1: In the “Polytechnischen Schule” there are two special fields which are: the technical cluster and the service cluster. Both of them contain three subclusters. For the technical cluster there are: wood and construction, electronics and IT and metal. In the service cluster there are: tourism, trade and offices and health- and social services.

When the semester started we chose three sectors and there we joined each of them for a week. Afterwards we had a talk with the head of the subclusters, we intended to choose. In the end, they deciced, if we fit into the faculty. I chose the cluster metal. We have several subjects which are necessary for this sector, for instance sciences, informatics or studio workshop, there we work with our hands and build workpieces.

After the first three weeks we needed to do a two-week internship at two different companies. We chose the companies, we are interested in. We knew these companies through our teachers or had private connections. Also there were constantly companies and representatives visiting the school and present their companies and the apprenticeships they offer. At the end of the semester, we will have another intership week. But I don’t know yet, in which company I want to do my internship.

Nadja: Where do you get the information from for the apprenticeships you are interested in?

Interviewee1: I get the information mostly from the teachers in school, in the context of the subject “vocational orientation” or from my parents.

Nadja: Do you feel enough informed about the different vocational programs?

Interviewee1: Yes, I do feel informed enough. I live in a small region where I know a lot of people work in different companies and I can ask them directly, if I want to know something. Also we have a close connection with the teachers and we can ask them anytime.

Nadja: What do you think of how the companies communicate to youths?

Interviewee1: I think it is quite good and I feel informed well enough. But I also think, that they should communicate more on Social Media. Especially me and my friends are on TikTok and Instagram all the time.

Nadja: Who do you address if you need further information?

Interviewee1: I can always talk to my parents and they are supporting me anytime. Also teachers in school are very supportive in those matters.

For my second interview, I was interviewing a 13-old girl who is currently attending “Neue Musik Mittelschule Weiz”. In autumn 2023 she will attend further school in Graz.

Nadja: You are currently visiting the “Neue Musik Mittelschule” in Weiz. How does the subject vocational orientation proceed in your school?

Interviewee2: We do have the subject Vocational Training for 2 years now. Several companies and representatives of highschools visit our school. Also the whole class made an excursion and visited companies and highschools.

Nadja: Where do you get the information from for the apprenticeships or highschools you are interested in?

Interviewee2: I get my information mainly at school and through my own research. The other day I went to the education fair in Graz together with my mother. There I also received more information and insights.

Nadja: What do you think of how the companies communicate to youths?

Interviewee2: In my opinion the communication is really exciting. I learnt a lot from the representatives or the education fair in Graz.

Nadja: Who do you address if you need further information?

Interviewee2: If I need further information, I am going to adress my parents or a teacher.


Polytechnische Schule:

The Polytechnische Schule is a one-year mandatory general education school in the Austrian education system that follows the 8th grade. Its primary purpose is vocational preparation. [1]

Vocational Orientation:

Vocational orientation is a process that has two sides. On the one hand, we have the young people who are seeking to orient themselves towards their own interests, competences and objectives. The other side consists of the requirements of the world of work, to which the young people are guided. Both of these sides constantly need to be rebalanced. Vocational orientation provision supports young people in mastering this process. [2]




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