How does gamification supports learning environments?

In this blog article I want to find out more about gamification and it’s implementation in learning environments.

What is gamification?

The most known definition of gamification was created by Deterding et al in the year 2011. The authors explained the term as “the use of game design elements in non-game contexts”. [1] The aim of the concept is to improve the participation, motivation, engagement and loyalty. [2] Also Gartner Hype Cycle included it in their annual Trends in the year 2013 and 2014 as “the business buzz-word” of the year. [3]

How is gamification implemented in learning environments?

Gamification of education is a tactic for boosting participation by including game components in a learning setting. The aim is to achieve levels of engagement comparable to those that games can typically produce. Gamification’s primary objectives are to improve certain skills, introduce learning objectives, engage students, maximize learning, assist behavior change, and socialize.[4]

In reality, there is a wide variety of aspects that games can include, and various players are drawn to different elements. Dr. Nick Yee, a researcher, suggested the following method for modeling the components of what drives gamers:

  • Action (e.g., objectives)
  • Social (e.g., competition)
  • Mastery (e.g., scoring)
  • Achievement (e.g., awards)
  • Immersion (e.g., roleplaying)
  • Creativity (e.g., customisation)

Even if the final product isn’t technically a game, a lesson has been gamified when educators incorporate characteristics like those listed into it. Some features, like scoring and badges, are often used.[5]


[1] Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., & Nacke, L. (2011). From game design elements to gamefulness: defining “Gamification”. MindTrek ’11, Proceedings from the 15th International Academic MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media Environments, (pp. 9-15).





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