The future of visuals: Generative art

I found out about this term on my visit to, while looking at Christiane Peschek´s THE FECTH digital art exhibition. From then on, I started looking at different artists around the world and how this new form of art changes the way we perceive art, it creates a new form of experiencing art and how transformative it can be.

But what is it? It is a process of creating new ideas, forms, shapes, colors, or patterns, with algorithms (coding), it’s known as the future of art, a new innovating way of integrating computers with the emotional perception of humans, it is what we know in design the Human-Computer Interaction. A computer generates the content, a human does the curation of it, so another human can experience it.

I realized my first encounter with it was a year ago, in our processing class, creating images and video loops of graphics, made by code. One of the first people to bring this term out in the design week was Joshua Davis, a US designer who was in OFFF Barcelona, he explained the importance of creating generative art and how it has and will change the perspective of graphics.

On my next posts I’ll talk about how other designers, artist and data scientists have brought generative art into an experience.

Ux Meetups

For the first time in my career, I got the courage to go to a networking event, to be honest I did not go to one before because I often felt like I did not have enough experience in the field or I just had no idea what I could talk about, but this event changed my perspective. Yes, there is still some professional feeling to it and most of the people have years of experience but most of the time they’re willing to share how they got their opportunities and how they build their careers.

I had the opportunity to attend UX Graz meetup, right in the midst of the World Usability Congress, where I had the chance of meeting amazing people in the field of design, I find interesting.

There I met the organizers and they talked to me about the community, how it was built and what are their future plans, I also talked to UX professionals based in Graz and Munich, they work in small product development companies, big tool and industrial companies or on a freelance basis.

I would totally recommend attending to a networking event even if it’s just to go out of your comfort zone, you will make amazing connections and engage with professionals who are always happy to guide you.

The need of light

Light is something that connects us, we all witness light independently of where we are, we but our experiences with it differs depending on the time, the season or the location. Thinking about how something like light that we take for granted can change our moods, perspectives and thoughts.

From growing our food, to sleeping or working, light plays such an important role in how we as beings develop in a society, but every community in the world has their own habits and conducts that might be related to the amount & type of light there is in their context, whereas that’s physical or artificial.

You don’t have to be the same in order to share a space. How light changes the experience of every expectant, playing with space and structure you can make the expectant see a certain image even if that is not real in the physical world but real for out minds to see.

In this new chapter of research, I want to find out more about light, color and its implications in the human behavior, and how we can create a new experience in a space just with basic necessity, the need for light.


Rikard Küller , Seifeddin Ballal , Thorbjörn Laike , Byron Mikellides & Graciela Tonello (2006) The impact of light and colour on psychological mood: a cross-cultural study of indoor work environments, Ergonomics, 49:14, 1496-1507, DOI: 10.1080/00140130600858142

Zeldes, J. (Director). (2019). Abstract the Art of Design (Olafur Eliasson, Art Design) [Streaming Platform]. Netflix.

Vienna Contemporary 2023

Christiane’s Peschek approach to a new form of art.

On the summer break I tried to go to as many cultural events as possible, while traveling through Austria. One of those events it was Vienna Contemporary during September, it is an art event where contemporary galleries around Europe present curated artwork from contemporary artists, to be honest the ambience of the event felt posh and exclusive, but nevertheless it was interesting.

Personally, the most fascinating exhibition was a digital art piece THE FETCH, by Christiane Peschek in collaboration with META & MAK (Museum of Applied Sciences), exploring the connection between art & the digital work. It was a 10 min VR experience mixed with sound where visitors encounter with the digital representation of Peschek’s aura.

I would try to put into works how it looked, graphically it was a world of spheres with calming music on the background, it had gradients that depending on the sound moved and generated new figures, it was a relaxing and mystic experience. It reminded me like the art pieces of Refik Anadol in the MOMA, where he creates huge digital paintings generated by data.

I found interesting how even art events are collaborating with tech companies to create digital experiences, maybe this is the evolution of art.

Information Design in Digital Media

In the digital age, where information overload is a common challenge, effective information design plays a crucial role in conveying messages clearly and engagingly.

Information design in digital media enhances user comprehension by presenting complex information in a visually organized and digestible format. In their research paper, Ware and Mikaelian (2015) highlight the importance of visual design principles, such as clear hierarchy, visual cues, and effective use of typography, in facilitating information understanding.

Visual design elements, including layout, color, imagery, and typography, can significantly impact user perceptions and engagement. Effective use of these design elements captures attention, conveys brand identity, and influences user emotions, resulting in a more immersive and enjoyable user experience.

A well-designed information layout, combined with visually appealing elements, creates a seamless and memorable user journey. As digital platforms continue to evolve, the importance of information design remains critical in delivering clear, engaging, and user-centric experiences that leave a lasting impact on users.


Ware, C., & Mikaelian, H. (2015). Information Design: Research and Practice. In The Handbook of Communication Design (pp. 201-214). Wiley.

Lohse, G. L., & Spiller, P. (1999). Internet Retail Store Design: How the User Interface Influences Traffic and Sales. Journal of Retailing, 75(2), 185-203.

Fostering Empathy and Inclusion in Design

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, designing inclusive and accessible experiences is crucial. Microsoft, has taken a significant step towards promoting inclusivity with its Inclusive Design Toolkit.

Inclusive design aims to create products and experiences that targets a diverse range of users, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. Microsoft’s Inclusive Design Toolkit is built on this philosophy, emphasizing the importance of empathy and understanding diverse user needs. According to Microsoft, inclusive design is a creative problem-solving approach that seeks to address the needs of as many people as possible by involving and learning from people with a wide range of abilities and perspectives.

The toolkit offers a range of inclusive design principles, techniques, and case studies to inspire and inform designers. It includes tools such as personas, scenarios, and the Inclusive Design Guide, which helps designers understand common barriers and provides strategies to overcome them. By incorporating these resources, designers can create products and experiences that resonate with diverse users and promote a sense of belonging and inclusivity.

Microsoft’s Inclusive Design Toolkit has had a profound impact on the design community. It has enabled designers to shift their mindset from focusing on a narrow user base to considering the needs of a wider audience. Through the toolkit’s principles and resources, designers can better understand the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and create solutions that accommodate their requirements.

Universal design vs. Inclusive Design

In the realm of design, two prominent concepts, universal design and inclusive design, aim to ensure that everyone, regardless of their abilities or characteristics, can fully engage with products, services, and environments. While both approaches share the objective of promoting accessibility and inclusivity, they differ in their core principles and methodologies.

Universal design focuses on creating products, services, and environments that are accessible to a wide range of users, including those with disabilities. In their paper, “Universal Design and the Challenge of Diversity,” Preiser and Ostroff (2001) emphasize the importance of equitable access and emphasize that universal design should be integrated into the design process from the outset. Which encompass elements such as equitable use, flexibility, simple and intuitive use, perceptible information, tolerance for error, low physical effort, and appropriate size and space.

Inclusive design emphasizes the active participation and representation of diverse individuals in the design process. Heylighen and Neuckermans (2003) in their paper, “Inclusive Design: A Morphological Analysis of the Concept and Its Interpretations,” highlight that inclusive design seeks to address the needs of various users by considering factors such as abilities, cultural backgrounds, age, and more. The authors argue that inclusive design goes beyond mere accessibility and aims to eliminate barriers and biases that may exclude certain individuals.

Universal design focuses on creating products and environments that are usable by a diverse range of individuals, while inclusive design emphasizes the active involvement and representation of diverse perspectives in the design process. By combining the principles of universal design with the empathetic and inclusive approach of inclusive design, designers can bridge gaps and create experiences that empower and include everyone. Together, these design philosophies pave the way for a more inclusive and accessible future, where barriers are dismantled, and everyone can fully participate and engage in the world around them.


Preiser, W. F. E., & Ostroff, E. (2001). Universal Design and the Challenge of Diversity. In E. Steinfeld & S. Danford (Eds.), Universal Design Handbook (pp. 3-15). McGraw-Hill.

Heylighen, A., & Neuckermans, H. (2003). Inclusive Design: A Morphological Analysis of the Concept and Its Interpretations. Design Studies, 24(5), 437-456.

Eichner, P., Meijering, L., & Steuten, C. (2016). Universal Design and Inclusive Design: Towards an Analytical Model. The Design Journal, 19(6), 905-923.

Dark Patterns in UX and Game Design

Welcome to the enigmatic world of dark patterns, where designers become the crafty illusionists of the digital world. Dark patterns are deliberately crafted design choices that nudge users towards specific actions that may not align with their true intentions.

These patterns exploit psychologically the users, manipulating them into making choices that benefit the designer or organization, often at the expense of the user. It highlights examples of common dark patterns, such as “misdirection,” where users are guided towards a particular option, and “roach motel,” which makes it easy to sign up for a service but challenging to cancel.

The UX Design (Game Design) source sheds light on dark patterns in the context of game design. It discusses how game designers employ manipulative techniques to keep players engaged and potentially addicted. Examples include “artificial scarcity,” where limited resources are introduced to create a sense of urgency, and “extrinsic rewards,” which exploit our desire for achievement. These dark patterns can lead to detrimental effects, such as excessive gaming, addictive behaviors, and psychological distress.

Dark patterns represent a concerning aspect of UX and game design, capable of manipulating user behavior and compromising user well-being. As designers and consumers, it is essential to recognize the existence of these deceptive practices and take steps to mitigate their negative impact.

Designers have a vital role in shaping user experiences that prioritize transparency and respect. Let’s create a world where trust and empowerment flourish! By embracing ethical design practices, we can build bridges of understanding between users and designers. Together, we can champion a user-centric approach that celebrates choice, is transparent, and leaves dark patterns in the dust.


Even if you don’t fully trust the data, trust the interaction.

To enhance your experience please play this song on the background 

Even if you don’t fully trust the
 data, trust the interaction.

That’s a phrase that Martha from Domestic Data Streamers told us, I think she meant something related to the work they do in the company, but I’ll use it to describe my experience in Barcelona. 

I had no idea who a lot of the designers in OFFF were, but I was determined to have as much inputs as possible form the talks. Some of the questions that came up during this time were, how can we trust the information that someone is telling us if we don’t even know them? How can we trust someone that we just met (even if we did not even meet them personally)? How can we trust someone based on just their experience? How can someone trust me?  The answer to these questions sums up into trust the interaction.  

The talks that I enjoyed the most where the ones where I had a great experience and how they interacted with the public. My favourite one was the talk that Timothy Goodman gave, he introduced his new book, in a way that I’ve not seen before, he had a live band, in the background, playing as we read some passages from the book, just like poetry, mentally transporting us into nice afternoon at a speakeasy in SOHO. 

The book talks about a summer romance he had in Paris where he met a Parisian girl and it did not work out, yes, a super cheesy topic. But the point is how he presented it in a fantastic way that I ended up buying the book, he have me his autograph, and I did not knew the guy before that talk, I just had an amazing interaction in his talk that made me trust him. Having amazing and meaningful interactions can get you to trust strangers, and viceversa, making this into something meaningful for both.

 I was able to see this in the children’s museum, where interesting and trustful interfaces where the most used by the kids, usually one kid would try it out and if other kids saw the reaction from this experience, he/she would be encouraged to try it out as well. 

And the pattern repeated itself again during the Domestic Data Streamers talk. Where we have never heard of them, we had no idea who Martha was, but just like an open book, she shared information that made us trust her, and the company. Also, she made us feel so nice and welcome in the workplace that we even wanted to apply for a job right on the spot. 

Most of the amazing experiences I had in Barcelona were based how the interaction made me feel, and trusting it. Going to this trip made me realize that what we should be looking for is more of that feeling, a nice, safe, inspiring, and happy feeling. This applies to every aspect of my life, the everyday life, the professional life, the friendship one, even the dating life. 

At the moment I find myself in a point of my life where I don’t know many things, I have no idea what I want to accomplish, I don’t know where I will find myself in the next months, I don’t know if I’ll stay or I’ll leave, if I’ll choose another career path or maybe not, if I’ll quit my job and find a new one, if I’ll call home where I’m right now or somewhere else.

 I just know that the life I’m living now feels nice, safe, inspiring, and happy. We should look for experiences that make us feel this way, and try to make others feel this way with every interaction we’re involved into.