Impulse #8 Article about potential harms & benefits of social media for children & teenagers

As the start of my Master’s thesis is now getting closer and closer, I am now looking more closely at existing literature and studies in this area. I came across a very interesting paper that covers many of the areas relevant to my research. It also refers to many studies that support the statements and I intend to make a note of these for a more detailed analysis in the psychological field. This paper is therefore a good starting point and an overview of important points that need to be considered and examined in more detail.

It is about the growing challenges in the area of children’s and young people’s mental health. It emphasizes that the use of social media and online platforms could play a potential role in these problems. The paper emphasizes the long-term effects of children’s interactions with social media on mental and physical health. I think the parts that deal with neuroscientific principles, the behavior of children and adolescents in social media and the effects this has on brain development are particularly exciting. Various areas and features of social media are highlighted here and how they affect a teenager’s brain. This is definitely a very exciting point and my plan is to delve more into studies in this area so that I can use this data as the basis for my master’s thesis.


APA article

Discussions about my Master Thesis

This week I had a few more discussions about my approach to the Master’s thesis. I was able to take away some valuable points that I hadn’t really considered before. One important point is data protection. I will be working with children and teenagers and in this respect I have to pay attention to guidelines and, above all, parental consent. To do this, I need to carry out detailed research in advance, contact people who are familiar with this if necessary and ensure that I protect myself adequately. Another point, more related to the content, is literature research. There is still a lot that can be done here and existing data can be extracted. As my project is very extensive, this is definitely a valuable point, as I can save myself time by referring to existing studies and literature. In addition, it can be helpful to include the EU directives regarding the protection of minors and use these as a framework. Another point to consider is a gradual structure of the Instagram Youth version. This would mean that features would be activated for each age group and the platform would be adapted to the respective age group. This would mean that teenagers would not be thrown into the deep end of the “real” Instagram version when they reach the age of majority, but would be gradually guided there and introduced to age-appropriate features. With regard to my own studies, I was advised to distribute the questionnaires widely in order to obtain quantitative data. For qualitative data, I could consider a preliminary study with, for example, 5 teenagers to roughly define the project design and then ask targeted questions to the general public. Assuming that the app is divided into age groups, it would also be important to survey teenagers of different ages and see where there are differences between the age groups. This could serve as a good basis for defining the activation of various features.

All in all, I can say that the discussions only motivated me even more for my topic. I was also reminded that I have a lot planned and that it is important to have a well-thought-out schedule. I will draw this up over the next few weeks so that I can get straight to work at the official start of my Master’s thesis. It’s nice for me to see that my topic is also well received by the outside world, that the problem and my goal are immediately understood and that everyone is looking forward to the result. This confirms that I have chosen an important topic that relates to current social problems.

Impulse #7 #BodyPositivity

This impulse is dedicated to a movement that is taking place directly on Instagram. This should show that positive movements are also taking place on the app itself, that people are recognizing the problems, taking initiative and trying to make the platform a better place. After all, it is important not to forget that you can also reach many people via Instagram and make a positive impact. Nevertheless, it should be added that many of the problems that Instagram draws attention to are created or extremely amplified by the app itself.

The hashtag #BodyPositivity has become an influential movement on social media that promotes acceptance and love for diverse body shapes and sizes. This campaign aims to break unrealistic beauty standards and encourage people to love and accept their bodies of all shapes and sizes. By creating a platform for self-love, the hashtag provides a space for authentic stories, personal journeys and positive images that celebrate the diversity of human bodies.

In the context of my research #BodyPositivity plays a crucial role. The movement not only offers a counterpoint to harmful beauty ideals, but also provides valuable insights into the power of social media to promote positive change. The impulse from the #BodyPositivity movement thus supports my research topic by providing insights into the positive potential of Instagram.

Hashtag on Instagram

Artikel über Body Positivity

Impulse #6 “Dear Society”

In the song “Dear Society” by Madison Beer, which was released in 2019, the singer deals with the social pressures that are amplified by social media. The song explores the negative effects of social media on self-perception and the general worldview, and the lyrics show the narrator’s frustration with unrealistic standards and expectations of society, which are reinforced by social media. It describes how these pressures can affect mental health and self-esteem as we try to live up to these standards. Additionally, the song highlights how social media can distort reality. It suggests that these digital platforms can aspire to a toxic cycle that strives for perfection, which is ultimately harmful to wellbeing.

Madison Beer’s song “Dear Society” provides important insight into the negative effects of social media on self-image and well-being, showing how present the issue is in society and that everyone struggles with it.


Research Planning Matrix

To investigate the impact of social media, specifically Instagram, on the well-being of teenagers and propose a redesigned version that addresses their unique needs and challenges.1. Examine existing literature and studies on the effects of social media on teenagers.
2. Analyze current Instagram features and identify aspects contributing to potential harm.
3. Design and implement a survey and interviews to gather insights from teenagers, parents, and educators.
4. Develop a set of requirements for a teenager-centric Instagram version.
Create wireframes and a prototype based on the identified requirements.
mixed-methods approach: comprehensive literature review, surveys, interviews, and prototype development to gain insights into the challenges teenagers face on Instagram and propose a tailored solutionThe research aims to help to better understand how social media, especially Instagram, affects the well-being of teenagers. It will provide suggestions for making Instagram safer for users, with a focus on their mental health.The research outputs will include a detailed literature review, a set of requirements for a teenager-friendly Instagram, wireframes, a prototype, and a comprehensive analysis of the potential impact of implementing the proposed changes on the well-being of teenagers.

Ontology & Epistemology


In examining the nature of reality in the context of my research topic, I recognize certain assumptions about the phenomena or issues I would like to explore. The nature of reality in this case revolves around the complex relationship between social media, particularly Instagram, and teenage wellbeing. I recognize that I am making assumptions about the existence of challenges and consequences associated with teenagers’ social media use.

These assumptions can be considered as subjective constructs, influenced by personal experiences and cultural factors. The challenges young people face when navigating social media platforms are not objective facts, but are closely linked to the diverse perceptions, experiences and cultural contexts that shape individuals’ interactions with these platforms. Understanding the problems and potential solutions is therefore dynamic and subject to interpretation based on the different perspectives through which different stakeholders view the issues at hand. Kids & Teenagers are struggling with the toxic influence of social media (i.e. the app Instagram) as they start to question their body, their looking, their outfits, the things they do and have and so one. You can also consider these as objective facts as there are several studies about the influence of social media on teenagers and the bad consequences. For example eating disorders, suicide rate, overall dissatisfaction & insecurity.


In terms of the study of knowledge, my approach is multi-layered and draws on a variety of sources to develop a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. Primary sources include empirical data collected through surveys and interviews that provide valuable insight into the lived experiences and perceptions of youth, parents, and educators regarding social media use.

Theoretical frameworks also play a crucial role in shaping my understanding and provide a conceptual basis for interpreting the complexities of the phenomena. I recognize the importance of combining theoretical perspectives with empirical observations to paint a holistic picture of the research subject.

However, it is important to recognize the potential limitations of this approach. While empirical data and theoretical frameworks contribute significantly to knowledge gain, they may not capture the full range of subjective experiences or cultural subtleties. Furthermore, my own background and perspective inevitably influence the interpretation of research findings. Being aware of these potential biases is crucial to ensure the rigor and validity of the study. I strive to remain open to diverse viewpoints and continually reflect on how my own experiences may influence my interpretation of the research, thus minimizing the impact of potential inherent biases on the study’s findings.

Stakeholder & “What is this”

For my Instagram Youth version, I examined the following stakeholders.

Teenagers: As the primary users, their perspectives on the current challenges and preferences for a redesigned Instagram are crucial.

Parents: Given the concerns parents may have about their children’s online activities, understanding their perspectives on a safer social media environment is important.

Educators: Teachers and school administrators may be interested in how social media affects students’ well-being and may have insights into the educational implications.

Social Media Experts: Professionals specializing in social media, child psychology, or digital well-being can provide expert opinions and contribute valuable insights.

Instagram (Meta): The platform itself is a key stakeholder. Understanding their policies, constraints, and potential collaboration is essential.

For the “What is this” analysis, I chose Instagram itself to get a better understanding of the app.

What is this: Instagram

  1. What is it for?
    • Sharing photos and videos
    • Connecting with friends and family
    • Discovering content based on interests
    • Building a personal or brand presence
    • Providing a platform for self-expression
  2. To use it:
    • To create an account
    • To post content
    • To interact with others through likes, comments, and direct messages
    • To explore content on the main feed and through Stories
  3. How did it get there?
    • Developed by Instagram, Inc. (now owned by Meta)
    • Downloading it from the App Store
  4. Who uses it?
    • Individuals of various ages, interests, and backgrounds
    • Influencers and content creators
    • Businesses and brands for marketing and engagement
    • Celebrities and public figures
    • Educational institutions, non-profits, and organizations for outreach
  5. What does it do?
    • Facilitates photo and video sharing
    • Enables communication through comments and direct messages
    • Provides a platform for content discovery
    • Supports advertising and promotion
  6. When is it used?
    • Throughout the day based on individual preferences
    • During events, travels, and special occasions
    • To stay connected with others
    • For personal or professional branding
    • As a source of entertainment and information
  7. What is it made of?
    • Software code written in programming languages
    • Database infrastructure to store user data
    • Visual elements including images, icons, and user interface components
  8. Who made it?
    • Developed by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger (Instagram founders)
    • Acquired by Facebook in 2012 (now Meta Platforms, Inc.)
  9. Why does it exist?
    • To provide a platform for visual storytelling and sharing
    • To connect people globally through shared interests
    • To serve as a space for personal expression and creativity
    • To offer businesses and influencers a platform for promotion and engagement

Impulse #5 The Dangerous Effects of Instagram on Teens (Video)

The video “The Dangerous Effects of Instagram on Teens” by The Dr. John Delony Show sheds light on the effects of the social media platform Instagram on teenagers. Dr. John Delony refers to internal research results from Facebook, the parent company of Instagram. These studies show that Facebook is aware of the negative influences and the associated risks. The documented effects range from worsened self-confidence, insecurities and anxiety to body image problems and even suicidal thoughts, as found in a study conducted by Facebook itself. The findings from this research raise questions about the responsibility of social media platforms such as Instagram and emphasize the need for measures to promote a healthier online environment for young people. Dr. John Delony himself calls on parents to ban Instagram and not let their children use this platform. I personally think that banning is not the right way to go, as young adults will then start to become active on the platform from the age when parents no longer have much influence over their teenagers. This would result in them simply being exposed to the problems 3-4 years later. On the one hand, this is of course positive, as the development of the brain and self-confidence has progressed. On the other hand, they are then thrown back in at the deep end and have to learn how to deal with the effects of the platform. My approach is therefore to learn Instagram and to trivialize all those features that have such negative consequences for teenagers. Instagram also has its advantages, which can be seen not least in how many users it now has and how much teenagers enjoy using the app.

Instagram John Delony

Impulse #4 Podcast “Ugly”

While browsing through Spotify in search of podcasts that might fit my topic, I came across a teenage girl called Tilly who tells stories under the podcast name “Ugly”. She talks about different areas of her life, including her interests as well as typical teenage problems and thoughts. She would like to be the person for others that she wished she had 2 years ago. Someone who can relate to her problems and mental health issues. What I find exciting for my work is being able to look a little deeper into the mind of a teenager and understand their world better. It is important for me to understand my target group as good as possible and to be able to shed light on all their needs, wishes, desires, fears and problems. I think that not only simple questionnaires help, but that stories from life can add a lot of quality to the analysis. Podcasts like this may also help me to create suitable questions for interviews, as I already have an insight into the minds of these young people.

Podcast on Spotify

Tilly’s Instagram

Exposé Master Thesis

This exposé for my Master’s thesis was written over the last few weeks. Feedback loops have helped me to focus more strongly on some things and now I have a pretty clear picture of what I would like to do and what my approach will be like. This is summarized in the following expose:

In the realm of social media dominance, Instagram stands out, particularly among teenagers. However, beneath the facade of a seemingly happy virtual world lies a range of issues affecting well-being. The constant evolution of Instagram compounds these problems, and the lack of education on responsible social media use for children and teenagers exacerbates the challenges.

While numerous studies have explored the effects of social media, the dynamic nature of Instagram outpaces research efforts. Privacy concerns related to teenagers on social media have been examined, but a critical gap exists—a dedicated study on a modified Instagram version for this demographic. The goal is to address the lack of guidance on navigating this digital space during crucial developmental stages.

The central question guiding this master’s thesis is: How can a modified version of Instagram be designed specifically for teenagers, providing a platform that retains essential functionalities while minimizing toxic features? The objective is to facilitate a safer and age-appropriate transition to the full version of the app.

The hypothesis posits that Instagram can indeed be redesigned for a more positive and user-friendly experience, while still maintaining its popularity. The methodological approach involves an extensive review of existing studies, conducting surveys among teenagers and parents, defining requirements for a teenage Instagram app, and ultimately designing a prototype. An innovative addition to the methodology is the use of card sorting with teenagers to prioritize features that are deemed important for a positive and engaging Instagram experience.

Drawing from various sources such as studies, books, videos, interview protocols, and prototype design tools, the research is grounded in the belief that modifications are necessary to accommodate to the unique struggles teenagers face with social media. The anticipated timeline outlines key milestones, spanning from research and interviews to prototype development, testing, and the finalization of the thesis.