If I reflect on the nature of reality as it pertains in my research topic I assume, that teenagers often don’t know what they want to become nor where their professional journey is heading. One reason for this is the lack of opportunities to gain insights into different professions. This is also been examined in a survey conducted by Zukunft.Lehre.Österreich.(1)
I definitely view this assumption as objective facts as they were asked and examine in a broader field.
The primary sources for my study are mainly from the WKO (chamber of commerce) as they conduct studies and surveys every year about apprenticeships in Austria. As well as other institutions in Austria which work for the Ministry of Education, other job seeking platforms or have any relation to education and employment. Also personal experience and subjective experience from people in my surroundings play a major role and give insights into for instance the change over time. The understanding is mostly empirical based on data and observation throughout the years as well as the material which is provided by the WKO.
Possible limitations could be that I have already delved too deeply into the topic and do not see other relevant information or my own biased interpretation of certain aspects.
As I want to create a VR experience I examined the following stakeholders:
Young People: As the VR experience will be mainly targeted for young people they would be one of the primary stakeholders for the product. Right after that there would be parents/guardians who will be directly affected through the young people.
Government: The government would be one of the stakeholders in terms of new laws and regulations. Also the chamber of commerce would be a party of interest.
Schools: Another important stakeholder will be schools as they would act as one of the main parties where young people can try out the experience. Educational institutions and educational fairs for instance BeSt could also carry out such experiences.
Employers: Companies are from interest in providing resources and gaining new apprentices and employees. Career Counselors and NGO’s e.g. Bildungsinfo Graz would also benefit from the application.
Stakeholder Map:
For the task: What is this I chose VR Goggles as my product for the task
For my fourth impulse blog I listend to a podcast by The UX Usability Podcast with the title “Frank Spillers: VR Design and UX”. I’m also very interested in User Expierence and especially how to handle UX in new spatial design as in Virtual Reality. I came across this podcast while searching for the keywords UX and VR. In this podcast the main speaker is Frank Spiller who is an UX designer for many years with expertise in AR/VR UX and emotion design.
In the podcast he talked about how important inclusion is and what aspects to consider when designing inclusive. Also storytelling is an essential part in VR Design. The storyline should be told in the first couple of minutes as the whole expierence often lasts 10 to 20 minutes and users have a very short attention span. One thing I found very interesting when emotion design was mentioned and how sound has an impact in the Virtual Reality experience. Frank Spiller also spoke about how the movie industry is using sound to create the narrative. They lay down the sound scape first and then they build the narrative around it. Sound, especially spatial sound can be an essential aspect into the VR expierence as it has the power to pull you into the adventure.
In my case, I take all the points I mentioned above about inclusive design, emotion design, and storytelling into my project. I have to make sure that I create an experience that people of all backgrounds can relate to and that the story being told is understood in the first few minutes. Sound is very important to complete an immersive experience.
Last week the “BeSt Bildungsmesse” took place in Graz and it was a great opportunity for myself to gather some insights for my research topic. The fair itself is an educational fair with three main target groups which are people who are looking for highschools, apprenticeships and universities. I went there and spoke to representatives of the WKO, AMS and also the IBOBB-Graz. Very interesting was the talk with the representatives from WKO as they offer a very gamified approach to deliver information of “not so well know” apprenticeships to teenagers. At the fair they had a video game you could play and also a card game. The lady I spoke to told me, that their main approach is to transfer information about apprenticeships for jobs which might not be familiar to everyone but also not uninteresting.
AMS had a station where people could do interest checks and I already analysed them (last year in my blog post). My opinion back then was that they weren’t very well targeted to the young target group as they still include quite confusing questions (especially for kids/teenagers). My analyse and the response of the teenagers to the asked questions agree.
Coming to my research project I have to think about what questions and task could be appropriate for the target group.
Some companies and representatives offered VR experiences and what I observed is, that a lot of young people are interested to test it out, also I spoke to one lady from AMS and she told me that most teenagers are very familiar with the tool. There was also a VR experience where people were able to weld. They build a physical “welding machine” – a handle and a platform to weld.
This leaves me with the impression that VR is popular and from great interest and is great tool to deliver information in a gamified way.
Today I was at the Game Dev Days 2023 in Graz. One talk was from Saeed Safikhani, who is a HCI Researcher and Tech Artist with the topic of “Where Arts meets Science: Design and Development of Project Chimera”. Project Chimera is a VR game specified in gamified learning. The user will find itself in an spaceship and explore it while learning about diverse topics. Which he pointed out during the talk was that you should never break the presence of the user in VR – which means when exploring or playing different levels the user should feel that jumping between the levels feels as natural (however “natural” feels like in VR :-P) as possible. In Project Chimera the user will be guided through different levels while using the elevator. Interaction implemented in the menu design is a way where the Virtual Reality experience is not interrupted and feels consistent for the user.
For my DesRes Research I take away the fact, that creating a menu design without interrupting the VR experience is essential for the user flow. As I am working on a virtual reality experience for an apprenticeship in a chef’s position, I need to think about the different level design and also a menu design which supports the user in his experience.
For the prototype I recreated the kitchen in Hotel Rustika. It is a rough first draft without any details and only the kitchen itself is displayed without the storage room, walk-in fridge and freezer. I hope you enjoy my prototype and get an idea of what I envision.
Ideation process
Throughout the semester I researched on how to find the most suitable vocational job to in the end create a wholesome and fun experience in Virtual Reality. It started with a quick brief and update to Birgit, it went over to creating a storyboard for a mechanical vocational job situation. After that, I realised I need to dive more into skilled labor shortage jobs. I found out ,that the tourism sector is heavily affected of the skilled labor shortage. As I worked in the tourism industry myself I changed the storyboard to one to the chef vocational job. The next step was to speak with my friend and chef Martin, he told me about his vocational training and what has changed since then.
Slowly the semester is towards an end and it was about to create a prototype for the design and research lecture. First I wanted to create a first sketch with Tiltbrush or a similar application in VR. Unfortunately the VR goggle I had no sketching application installed. When I spoke to my friend I took some pictures of the kitchen in the hotel and tried to recreate the kitchen in a first draft in Unity.
Future steps
The next steps in the development process would be to start develop the prototype in Unity and getting familiar with the Unity VR process. Also elaborate the whole user journey from the beginning until the end of the experience.
During my research I also found out that the WKO (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich) is already involved in presenting vocational jobs in 360° Virtual Reality. For further insights I recently contacted the WKO for more information about this projects. Hopefully I will gather further insights into the projects (Challenges, How is it perceived by the youth, how do they communicate,…).
Hi there, as I mentioned in my last blog post that I started focusing on another apprenticeship, I changed the storyboard. Here you can find the updated storyboard:
The story:
Imagine working in a hotel as a chef apprentice and the chef tells you that you are in charge of the starters of tonights dinner session. The starters were already prepared and only the sauce needs to be added. The waitress stops by to get the first starters for the evening. You prepare them and send them with her. She comes back frequently to get the other starters. In between she rushes to you for a special task: a kid wants to have a Wiener Schnitzel with fries. Therefore you need to rush back to the fridge, grab some meat and prepare the Schnitzel. Fries are located in the freezer and you put it into the fryer. The waitress comes back as she needs to have starters again.
Luckily, the evening went smooth, clients are happy and its time to clean up. The chef asks you what you’d like to drink and that you are in charge for the music.
After the feedback with Brigit she suggested to have customization at the beginning rather than the end of the game to keep the user engaged.
Add on:
After some research I found a website called https://www.berufe-vr.at. They offer a 360°-view videos where user can gather insights into several apprenticeships in Austria. I’ll get in touch with them and check if I can find out who created this experience.
In my last blog post, I discussed creating a storyboard for a virtual reality experience targeting car mechanics. However, upon reflection, I realized that I may have rushed into the decision of which apprenticeship to choose as the topic. After conducting further research, I discovered that there are numerous jobs and industries in Austria currently facing a skilled labor shortage in 2023.
One article I came across specifically highlighted the issue of “Fachkräftemangel” or skilled labor shortage in 2022, focusing on sectors such as tourism (81%) and construction. Other industries, including the manufacture of wooden products and transportation, were also experiencing shortages. According to Figure 1, which depicts the development of open positions for skilled workers, the peak was reached in March/April 2022 with 272,000 open positions [1].
Considering that many of us enjoy dining out and socializing at restaurants, it is challenging for the tourism and restaurant sectors to find passionate and skilled workers. These industries were hit particularly hard during the pandemic, leading many employees to seek more stable positions in other business sectors. Growing up in a village dominated by tourism, I can empathize with the desperate situation faced by hotels and restaurants [2]. The industry can be hectic and may not always be perceived as attractive, especially due to the often demanding working hours, which typically include weekends. Young people, in particular, value their freedom and prefer to spend time with friends during weekends.
By shifting my focus to the tourism industry, specifically the job positions of chefs, I aim to demonstrate that this line of work can be versatile and enjoyable. It’s important to highlight the potential for creativity and the satisfaction of serving delicious meals to appreciative guests. Furthermore, the tourism sector offers opportunities for personal and professional growth, including the chance to work in diverse environments and interact with people from various cultures.
Despite the challenges faced by the tourism industry, there is still a demand for skilled workers, and pursuing a career in this field can lead to fulfilling and rewarding experiences. By showcasing the positive aspects and dispelling misconceptions about working in the tourism sector, I hope to encourage more individuals, especially young talents, to consider vocational training or apprenticeships in this industry. Ultimately, bridging the skilled labor gap in the tourism sector can contribute to its recovery and long-term sustainability.
In my previous blog post, I discussed the concept of designing a virtual reality (VR) game experience centered around the theme of an apprentice in a garage. Today, I will delve deeper into the storyline and provide additional details on the gameplay elements. Additionally, I will address the valuable feedback I received from Birgit, highlighting the importance of making the experience more exciting, particularly for teenagers who have shorter attention spans.
The Storyline:
Imagine stepping into a virtual garage as an apprentice mechanic. As soon as you put on the VR goggles, you find yourself surrounded by tools, car parts, and an inviting menu screen. A friendly avatar, your supervisor, appears to greet you and provide an introduction to the world of automotive mechanics. This avatar becomes your guide throughout the game, offering insights into the various tasks and challenges you’ll encounter.
To ensure a comprehensive understanding of the apprenticeship, the avatar presents you with a choice between diving straight into the game or obtaining more information about the apprentice experience. This decision empowers players to tailor their journey based on their preferences and level of curiosity.
Choosing the game path leads you into an immersive adventure where the avatar explains the main task at hand and provides instructions for accomplishing smaller subtasks along the way. Let’s explore a brief example of the story through a storyboard:
Enhancing the Gameplay Flow:
After sharing my progress with Birgit, she raised a valid point about the gameplay potentially feeling too linear, which could lead to boredom, particularly among teenagers. She emphasized the importance of maintaining their engagement throughout the experience. Taking Birgit’s feedback to heart, I recognize the need to inject more excitement and intrigue into the gameplay.
My Next Challenge:
Moving forward, my primary objective is to brainstorm creative ways to make the VR game experience more thrilling and captivating, especially for the target audience of teenagers. This will involve integrating elements such as unexpected twists, timed challenges, and rewarding achievements to keep players motivated and immersed in the virtual world. By addressing this challenge head-on, I aim to create an experience that not only educates but also entertains, ultimately fostering a genuine interest in the world of mechanics.
In my next blog post, I will delve deeper into my research and experimentation phase, sharing my ideas and progress in making the gameplay more exciting and captivating for players of all ages, with a special focus on engaging the teenage demographic.
Hi everyone. I want to update you on my current status of my Design and Research Blog Entries. As you remember I want to examine if there is a possibility for young people to get realistic insights into apprenticeships. In the first semester I researched the status-quo and numbers of apprenticeships in Austria as well as the formats and communication tools which are already out there. I had an interview with my nephew about his situation and what he learns at school. At the end of my last blog entry I also talked about that I might include new formats into my research for instance Virtual Reality.
I had a meeting with Birgit last week and it was really inspiring to talk about my chosen topic.
This semester I’ll focus on creating a concept for a possible game.
After the excursion in Barcelona, I already started thinking of further steps for my design and research topic. I still need to figure out wheter this is going to be a realsitic approach, but anyway I’ll just tell you my ideas.
I thought about creating two scenarios both taking place in VR.
First scenario: VR Game
I thought of creating a VR-Game inspired by the “job-simulator”. Maybe creating one scenario where the player is working for instance in an garage as a mechanic. The supervisior will give the user simple task which need to be fulfilled e.g. changing a tyre and therefore the user has to go to the drawer and take out a screwdriver or something similar and then the user goes back to the car and changes the tyre. The art style should be comic-like but also more serious than it is in the job simulator game (the game is a bit dorky).
Second scenario: Real life 360° View
For the second scenario I thought of filming a young person following their typical tasks for their work. Therefore the user is in the position of an observer and can look over the trainees shoulder and watch them.
Either way, I need to check out how both of my ideas are feasbile.
I also told Birgit my ideas and she supervised me to start creating a storyboard and a concept and also think about possible interactions for those scenarios. This will be my task for the next blogpost where I will guide you through my process.