OFFF Festival Barcelona

I could put a few of the many pictures I took during the conference or during the time before and after, but non of them can express my thoughts and my learnings I had as well as the thoughts I will try to put down now:

Many impressions and a lot of knowledge is for sure what I take away from the talks and the over all experience of the OFFF festival in Barcelona. But while many things will go into my subconscious library of information and experiences, a few things will definitely be stuck in my head for a while and – to follow up on the analogy – will be presented at the window front so people can profit from them as well.

Something I definitely will remember and keep in mind for a long time is the amount of practice it takes to reach your goals, but the practice that is necessary isn’t only to become proficient but mainly to discover what one really wants to do and what they want to express with their work. It isn’t the work we get hired for or we do in classes – sure, we learn a lot from those projects, but the work where you can run wild and try out weird stuff is where we actually find something unique that makes our work valuable. I will definitely try to explore more and work on the weird stuff that people might not see purpose in right away but that will eventually become something where people look at it and go “wow, I wish I would come up with something like that”. If I achieve a point where people think like that when looking at what I created I can call myself successful.

Another important note I take away thanks to Carla Molin is that you can be proud of any project you do. No matter how low level or small it might seem, as long as you learn something in the process it was worth it for sure. Also, while the big projects are for sure impressive, the small projects are worth just the same as it is easy to get lost in big projects that might never be finished – especially if I am working on those projects alone. It has happened a lot in the past that I have had great ideas where I had a great start into the design and development but lost myself half way in because I lost interest or motivation in the project.

While those two main take aways are positive inputs I also want to focus on one of the negative things I noticed at the OFFF conference. Of course it is to keep in mind that the talks I watched are mostly more on the technical side, but I still want to point out that in general the majority of the speakers were male and at least 40, if not a lot older. It is out of discussion that those speakers definitely have proven to be worth of presenting their work it felt a little discouraging to see little to no people I could relate to as a 22 year old female designer who wants to work with code as well. I would have loved to see more women in this field to see that they do exist and are seen in this male dominated area.

I definitely have a lot of inspiration and motivation for new projects and already started working on a few of them right away after the trip. Hopefully, trips like that will not be an exception and I will be able to go on trips like that in the future again!

The ambiDice

The ambiDice is a small tangible interface that enables players of TRPGs to immerse more into their games through sound experiences. The dice consists of a microcontroller that supports WIFI functionality to connect to it. The raw sensor data is sent to AmbietMusicBox, which is a self-contained software to process the audio values. The implementation of the scripting language has been refined after multiple user tests.

As the device is still in development there are a few factors that make the usability of the device open for improvement. While the idea is good and the first prototype is already working and being tested, there are a few major questions that are still unanswered for me.

  1. Does the dice actually work as a dice and is it fair?
  2. How good is the audio quality?
  3. Does the dice need to be charged? How long does its battery last? TRPG sessions are usually going for many hours.

Once these questions are answered the ambiDice will improve greatly in my opinion.

Outlook into further research

Topics that have not been handled thoroughly or additional topics can be tackled through blog posts:

  • Effect of different game elements onto communication
  • Communication styles in different game types
  • Missing communication aspects in online voice channels
  • Missing communication aspects in online game chats
  • Advantages of communication in games over real life communication
  • Can online friendships last?

How can games help to benefit communication?

After taking a look at psychological aspects of communication as well as technical aspects of game design and development, this blog entry should combine those topics and analyse how video games can actually benefit communication.

While many young people struggle to fit into society and are faced with prejudices and hate, in online games they can find communities where they are accepted no matter they equity, religion, sexual orientation or other aspects.

Video games are especially a safe space for people:

  • On the autism spectrum
  • With insecure attachment styles
  • With depressive symptoms and social anxiety
  • Of the LGBTQ+ community


Game engines in comparison

When developing games there are multiple factors that play into the decision of which game engine to use.

  • What kind of game is being developed? (2d, 3d, performance heavy, art focus, etc.)
  • How much support is there around those engines?
  • What resources are available?

A game engine can support developers in the progress of making games by providing them with a graphical user interface, libraries for multiple programming languages and predefined tools for enabling a quick way of implementing logic of the game. Tasks like rendering a 3d model are made easy through the options of calculating physics, handling collision detections, playing animations and sounds and compiling code.


Unity is considered one of the best game engines considering the balance of learnability and support of functionality. It is great for 2D and 3D games, as well as VR and mobile games while still being free for game developers earning less than $100.000. However, once a game is very performance draining, Unity can run into issues handling performance.


Unreal has similar strengths as Unity but excels in its graphical capabilities, which makes it a good choice for high quality graphical focused games. Many developers prefer Unity over Unreal as Unreal requires more knowledge to be able to use efficiently.


A selling point of the Godot engine is that it is completely free and open-source with a large community for support.


Phaser focuses on the development of mobile and browser  2D games.


Game design in MMORPGs

Game Design is an essential aspect for the development of every game, independently of the genre or whether its online or offline. While MMORPGs require thorough planning of many different aspects such as keeping the game interesting even after the main story is completed, managing a fair skills and levelling system or managing performance one of the most important aspects is enabling controlled communication that doesn’t restrict the players in their interactions with each other. For this reason, this blog entry will take a closer look to what it needs to design a successful MMORPG.

As explained in a previous blog entry, the flow state can be achieved if the player is challenged enough to be entertained without getting frustrated. While the flow state can be achieved in traditional games if certain rules are followed, achieving the flow state in MMORPGs where there is usually no clear path to follow and a major part of the play time is spontaneous interactions with others player, it is more difficult to guide the player to the flow state.

There are three conditions that need to be met in order to achieve the flow state:

  • There need to be clear goals defined that the player must know of
  • The balance between challenges and skill needs to be so that the player is neither frustrated nor bored
  • The progress on the goals need to be made clear to the player in form of feedback

These conditions can be met by clear directions given to the player, but they can also be goals that the player themselves creates. For example, a player can decide to craft a special item that requires a lot of material and experience, for one of their friends. If the players are given options, they will naturally come up with challenges themselves. This way every player type has their own goals:

  • Killers: Want to become the best and compete with others
  • Socializers: Want to communicate with other players
  • Achievers: Want to progress within the game and level up
  • Explorers: Want to learn about different systems (e.g., different skill trees) integrated into the game and explore the world


Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication can convey multiple aspects of information such as:

  • Emotions
  • Needs
  • Intentions
  • Attitudes
  • Thoughts

As a large part of information is transported through nonverbal cues the communication changes drastically when they are missing. Sarcasm, humor or anger might be missed if facial expressions can not be read properly. However, a major part of nonverbal communication is based on social and cultural habits that can differ from person to person.

“Nonverbal signals are important in many psychological processes, including attachment, attraction, social influence, deception, self-presentation, and interpersonal self-fulfilling prophecies.”

Typical ways of expression emotion or transfer information nonverbally are eye and head movements, gestures, posture, and gait.

Another important aspect that is part of conversations but isn’t communicated through speech are auditory cues like tone of voice, pitch, speed and pace of speech, and volume.


Types of games

In my previous post I described the different kinds of players and elaborate their behaviour in games. In this blog entry I want to dig deeper into what game types there are and which player types work best within those games.

Before going into detail it is important to know the difference between different kinds of interactions within games:

  • PvE: player versus environment defines the fighting interactions with the non-playable objects (NPCs) in a game. They are not other players but are objects within the game.
  • PvP: player versus player defines the combat of one individual player fighting another or a group of players fighting another.

First person shooter:
First person shooter, also called FPS games, are mainly played by the killer and the achiever type as the whole purpose is to compete against other players or NPCs and win through the highest score, eliminating the threat or opposing team, or surviving for a certain time span.

Real time strategy:
Real time strategy games, also called RTS games, focus on complex sequences or extensive planning in order to succeed. Games like Age of Empires or Warhammer are popular examples of online RTS games. Usually, competitive and persistent players such as achievers or killers are found within these types of games.

Massively multiplayer online games:
Games that constantly grow in popularity due to better internet access and technology are MMO games of all sorts. While explorers and socializers are usually found among MMORPGS (role playing games), killers and achievers will prefer MMORTS (real time strategy) and MMOFPS (first person shooter)

Battle royale:
battle royale games can be connected to FPS games but they do not need to. They focus on a special kind of competitive style of deathmatch where many players will be sent to an arena and need to fight to be the last man standing. Common examples of this popular genre are Apex Legends, Fortnite, Call of Duty: Warzone and Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds (PUPG). Just like among other killing focused games the killer and achiever player type value these games, however as some of them are played in teams the socializer plays an important role to keeping the team together.

Sandbox games are one of the few games that do not have a focus on competitive aspects. The majority of the players will be explorers as the goal of these games is to be creative and spend a lot of time exploring possibilities and opportunities within the games. Some of the games can be played online as well as offline such as Minecraft and Grand Theft Auto. Another important aspect of sandbox games is the social activities. For this reason socializers feel comfortable within these games as well.


What types of people play which games?

As games are a huge genre that cannot be describes and analysed as a whole it is important to split certain aspects of games and analyse them individually. The most important aspect that plays into the player behaviour and their choices to why they prefer certain games over others is the player type that they identify as. Bartle defined 4 main player types in 1996 that can still be mapped to players of modern games.

  • Achievers
  • Socializers
  • Explorers
  • Killers

These four types excel in two out of 4 characteristics that are unique to the group. While achievers are often very aware of their environment, they also enjoy acting and immersing into the story. Explorers share the interesting in the environment but focus more on the interaction with their surroundings to learn every detail about the story, the world and the connected challenges. Socializers prefer people over environment and love interacting with them, generally NPCs and also real players, however, they prefer bonding and making new friends with real players. Killers are in some way opposite of socialiser but they both share their interests in people. But while socializers enjoy interacting, killers do not care about that but rather act based on their own goals. They are usually very competitive and prefer playing against people rather with them.

Realistically most players do not identify as one type only. In reality an average player classifies as 80 percent of a socializer, up to 50 percent explorer, 40 percent achiever and around 20 percent killer.

The player types are important to understand as they explain what gets people interested in games, but the next question is what keeps them playing. The main reason why people keep playing games is the flow state. Once a player reaches the flow, they have a balance between a difficulty that keeps them challenges but does not demotivate them. The flow theory is based on positive psychology and is reached when a person is fully committed to a single task. It does not only appear in games but also in normal day to day tasks or work. However, it can be very exhausting as the full focus is on one activity.

Game designers are trying to balance the player between getting bored and experiencing a certain level of anxiety that stops them from playing as it stresses them too much or makes them frustrated with the game. Usually, the difficulty increases over time as the players become more skilled and experienced, however it should not be too difficult for them to get back into the game once they start playing for some while. A common example of generally good games that fail to keep players in the flow state is The Witcher 3. The story and the character are well made, however the players don’t really get into the flow state as the difficulty is to high due to a difficult fighting system that is not well introduced and then not increasing the difficulty as the player learns the controls.


  • Bartle, R. (1996). Hearts, clubs, diamonds, spades: Players who suit MUDs. Retrieved from suit_MUDs
  • Bartle, R. A. (2006). Designing virtual worlds ([Nachdr.]). Berkeley, CA: New Riders.
  • Zichermann, G., & Cunningham, C. (impr. 2011). Gamification by design: Implementing game mechanics in web and mobile apps. Sebastopol (Calif.), Beijing, Cambridge: O’Reilly.
  • Snyder, C. R., & Lopez, S. J. (2005). Handbook of positive psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. New York: Harper and Row.

Communication in online games

Video games have been an important part of our live for a long time already. People spend increasingly more time online, so it is only natural that they meet online and use chat and voice channels as their only tool for communication.

Often, you do not see the other persons face, hands, or body language in general. But human being do not only communicate through speech, so what happens if major parts of the human to human communication are lacking? Can people online build bonds as strong as they are when people meet in real life?

Over the past few months, I have been developing a game called Pandoras Box. The goal of the game is to get to know a person better and find out new things about them. To achieve this, two players are asked questions that become increasingly more personal or challenging to answer. Games that have similar objectives or include similar features are “Awkward”, “Jackbox Games” or “Never have I ever”. These games, however, all lack important aspects that are mandatory for a good experience.

A majority of the actual game play happens while the two players are discussing their answers in a voice channel on common platforms like Discord or Teamspeak. The game consist of 10 rounds where a question is asked to each player every round. After the question was asked to the first player, the second player has to guess the answer of the first player – if they get it correct, they get a point. Even though at the end of the game, the score is displayed to the players, the game is not about winning or losing but about getting to know more about the person.

Pandoras Box game can be used to analyse how missing communication parts like facial expressions and gestures affect the depth of the conversation in an online voice channel.

Is it possible to hold a conversation with as much meaning and depth online during a game as it is in person?

What are the differences in communication styles and how do player adapt their speech to the situation.

To answer these questions, players will be asked questions about their game partner before and after playing a few rounds of Pandoras Box to evaluate psychological aspects of understanding and empathizing with another person.
