Bookbinding – a change of topic

During the last semester, I researched the history and characteristics of the Arabic language and typography. While I still find the topic of multilingual typography intriguing, I nonetheless decided to switch to a topic that fascinates me far more. Besides, the size of my last subject area has been somewhat overwhelming for me and left me unsure of which direction to proceed in.

Since I spend most of my creative time sitting in front of a computer, I thought I would like to choose a topic that lies more on the analogue side than on the digital side. After the Bonbonniere Alumni workshop day last month, I was enchanted by the art of bookbinding and would therefore like to focus my further design research this semester on this subject.

More specifically speaking, I want to have a closer look at any bookbinding techniques that put the binding in the spotlight.

As of now, these are some techniques I want to look into based on my first brief research:

  • Japanese stab binding
  • Chinese dragon scale binding
  • French link stitch binding

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