Presenting a brand identity or a logo is not just about sending the client the logo. It is important to covey the client a feeling about the design and the brand. Therefore, we as designers have to prepare a brand presentation. Only so the client understands the direction of the branding. A lot of times designers do 3 or even more logos which they present to the clients, instead of focusing on one and presenting it a best way.

What to include in a presentation of a logo:

  1. Back story: including information about the business and including some words to summarize the brans direction. The client can so see really dived deep into.
  2. Mood board:  normally this is something that already happens before as a compromise with the client about the style. But it is always good to show again where the original inspiration was gathered from.
  3. Logos and variations: including design decisions, why you designed a logo/brand identity in a specific way. Showing all the variations and make it clear to the client what they can be used for.
  4. Typography: there should be consistent set of fonts used across the brand so it is relevant to show them and how they should be used, also one with another.
  5. Colour pallete: the brand has to have a complementary color pallete that is distinct to you client.
  6. Brand pattern and elements: if there are some they have to be showcased. All the shapes have to be explained why they have been specifically designed.
  7. Photography, style, direction: including this elements can really help the client to feel for the brand and can help them to follow the style when they have a brand photoshoot.
  8. Social media feed example: if the client is predominantly on social media and uses this to target the audience it is nice to show how the feed could look like with the implemented branding.
  9. Mockcups: help to create the wow effect for the client and give the client an insight of the possibilities in a real life sitations
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