AI Tools for UX Designers

To get started with the ‘The Plan’ (outlined in my last post), I have compiled a list of AI tools that I will be trying out during this process.

  1. Perplexity

A combination of ChatGPT & bing that answers any question with sources and links.

  1. DocuAsk & PDFgpt

These tools read any uploaded documents and generate summaries and notes, and are able to answer any questions regarding the document in a chat function. These tools would be useful for user research, analyzing data and quickly pulling the important information.

  1. Uizard & Qoqo

“This tool [Uizard] uses advanced algorithms to generate unique design ideas based on the user’s input, making it an excellent choice for designers who want to save time and stay inspired ” –

Qoqo generates personas, user journey maps, and interview questions. [Behind a paywall]

  1. Attention Insight

Offers predictive eye tracking in the form of heat maps on your designs.

  1. Adobe Firefly

AI image, video & audio generator from Adobe

  1. Tome

AI presentation builder

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