Analysis the strengths and weaknesses of different media formats 

In one of my previous blogposts I was talking about the various touchpoints between companies and teenagers. To dive a bit deeper into the topic I analyzed different formats on their performance, strengths and weaknesses. The results are the following:

Selfcheck tests

There are a tons of selfcheck tests online, where people can test theirself on their skills and personality. In the end the test will present you some professions which might suit your strenghts. I tested a few of them and I they are all quite similar. One which stood out (negatively) was “Berufskompass” by AMS.


  • The design was really unsexy and not really appealing (at least to me). There are inconsitencies in their design propals (e.g. different formats in four sections – list, cards, checkboxes, …)
  • Some questions at the last part of the test were almost the same – just asked differently.
  • I would think that lots of the questions were quite difficult to understand. Especially when thinking of young people taking the test

Company website

Companies who train a high number on apprentices each yeat are likely to have a company/job website specifically for apprenticeships. Small businesses mostly have a section in their job offers on their carreer subpages or does not have any vocational positions displayed. The company website of has a really clear structure. The provided information is attracting young people as well as their parents. They have an extra section for parents which in my opinion is a good aspect as they are involved (to a certain point) as well.

  • Very good structure
  • Appealing to the user
  • Embedded videos and pictures
  • FAQ section

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Social Media

Social Media is nowadays one of the must haves when it comes to communication and branding of the company. Especially when it comes to addressing young people. A lot of companies are on Facebook, Instagram and even a few businesses are posting on TikTok. Not so many youths are active on Facebook – which makes Instagram and TikTok the number 1 tools.

I found an account on TikTok, which is posting insights of several apprenticeships and jobs.

  • nice idea of presenting jobs in a really short video
  • might be very appealing for young people (but I am not to judge)
  • account is also posting other content which is not related to jobs/work

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