Analyzing Instagram’s Design Features and Toxicity: Identifying Addressable Processes and Assessing the Potential Impact of Changes

During the past week, I have been more focused on the scientific background of my work. To accomplish this, I have developed an abstract summarizing my research, documented the methods I have already employed and plan to use, and formulated additional detailed research questions. This process involves assessing the current state of my topic and how I approach it. The objective is to aid in further planning by clarifying my intentions and desired outcomes, while also enhancing the overall scientific thoroughness of the work.

This research project focuses on examining the design features of the Instagram platform that contribute to toxicity and negative influences from various perspectives. By studying these features and their influence on user behavior, the aim is to identify processes on Instagram that can be addressed to mitigate toxicity and determine the potential impact of implementing such changes. 

Two potential directions for intervention are proposed: a media-critical approach targeting specific features of Instagram, and a media pedagogical approach involving the creation of a restricted youth version of the platform. By employing a mixed-methods research approach, including qualitative analysis and quantitative data, this study seeks to shed light on the design aspects of Instagram and their implications, providing insights for users and informing strategies for positive change.


1. Literature Review: Conducting a comprehensive review of existing research, academic studies, industry reports, and relevant sources to gain an understanding of the design features of Instagram that contribute to toxicity and negative influences.

2. Qualitative Analysis: Employing qualitative data collection methods, such as interviews, focus groups, and content analysis, to explore user experiences, perceptions, and attitudes regarding Instagram’s design features and their impact on behavior.

3. Quantitative Analysis: Utilizing quantitative approaches to analyze available data, including engagement metrics, user surveys, and social media analytics, to assess the effects of Instagram’s design features on user behavior and platform dynamics.

Research Questions:

1. What are the design features of Instagram that contribute to toxicity and negative influences, particularly in relation to user behavior and engagement?

2. How can the identified processes on Instagram be effectively addressed to mitigate toxicity and promote healthier online interactions?

3. What are the essential features and design considerations for developing a youth version of Instagram that promotes a safe and positive online environment while addressing the specific needs and concerns of young users?

4. Which specific features of Instagram could be targeted through a media-critical approach to effectively reduce toxicity and negative influences, and how might the implementation of such features improve the overall user experience and foster a healthier online environment?

5. To what extent do changes in Instagram’s processes, implemented through a media-critical or media pedagogical approach, contribute to creating a healthier and less toxic environment by influencing user behavior, improving engagement metrics, and shaping overall platform dynamics?

I also researched for some literature that could help me in the future:

Goodyear, Victoria A., and Kathleen M. Armour. Young People, Social Media and Health. Taylor & Francis, 2019.

Chatzatoglou, Anna. Social Media and Its Potential Effects on Mental Health. 2020.

Pabi, Anna. Gesundheitliche Belastungen durch intensiven Social Media-Konsum. 2020.

Neuwirth, Selina. Einfluss von Social-Media-Influencerinnen und Social-Media-Influencer auf die Schönheitsideale von Mädchen in der Pubertät. 2021.

Stradner, Michelle. Auswirkungen sozialer Medien auf die Selbstwahrnehmung von Jugendlichen im Hinblick auf die psychische Gesundheit. 2020.

Maier, Verena Sophie. „Wer lässt sich schon gern von einer Software erpressen?” : ein Film über die psychosozialen Auswirkungen der Social Media Nutzung von Jugendlichen. 2018.

Hartwig, Gerald. Dekonstruierte Selbstbilder : Selbstinszenierung und ihre Gegennarrative auf Instagram. 2020.

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