Design & Research Blog Post Assignment


  • What assumptions are you making about the reality of the phenomena or issues you are researching?: 
    1. Women face challenges when entering the professional world.
    2. The transition from academia/university life to work one is overwhelming.
  • Do you view these as objective facts (existing independently of individuals’ perceptions) or as subjective constructs (shaped by personal experiences and cultural influences)?:
    I think for both cases it is a combination of both.


  • What are the primary sources from which you will or have derived knowledge about your research topic (e.g., empirical data, theoretical frameworks, personal experiences, cultural narratives)?: 
    Empirical data (surveys, interviews, etc.), theoretical framework + probably my own experience as well
  • Consider if your understanding is mainly theoretical (based on concepts) or empirical (based on observations or data): 
    Empirical, since information from surveys and/or interviews will provide real-life examples, experiences, and ideas for solutions.
  • Identify any potential limitations in your understanding or approach. Reflect on how your background or perspective might influence your interpretation of the research:
    To my mind, a person’s (in this case my own) professional background might influence the interpretation of the research because these depend on a person’s previous experiences, studies they did, and collected knowledge as well. Previous background and cultural differences as well may affect how a person thinks, solves problems, and their way of going through the process.
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