Exposé Masterthesis

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working title

Unlocking Careers: Exploring Virtual Reality’s Potential in Simulating Various Apprenticeships – Case Study: Cooking Apprenticeship

the problem

It is no secret, that Austria has a skilled worker shortage. The numbers of young people starting an apprenticeship decreases each year. What are the main issues why teenagers decide against an apprenticeship? One main problem is that a lot of teenagers don’t know what they want to become and where their professional journey is heading. The market is flooded with job opportunities and it might be overwhelming as well. And the possibilities to dive into every single job is not possible.

state of research

There are several ways for young people to gain realistic insights into various apprenticeships. However, none of them provide a comprehensive focus on informing young people about apprenticeships and their tasks through a virtual reality simulation. The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber uses a similar method to deliver information about apprenticeships to teenagers, but they opt for an observational approach. This thesis and experiment aim to supplement this with a simulation. Users can try out common tasks and obtain information in a gamified and exploratory manner.

the question

How can young people be given realistic insights into different apprenticeships to make their decision easier?

Subquestion: How can Virtual Reality support in giving realistic insights?

the objective

In the forthcoming master’s thesis, evidence will be presented to establish that the innovative use of virtual reality technology holds significant potential in the representation of various apprenticeships. This utilization of technology can serve as a powerful tool to assist young individuals in navigating their career paths, ultimately helping them discover and pursue their ideal profession.

the reference to theory

Teenagers are inherently curious and have a natural inclination towards exploring new technologies. Virtual reality, as one of these emerging technologies, serves as an intriguing platform for them. In the context of Austria, a nation currently grappling with a shortage of skilled labor, it is essential to find fresh and engaging ways to reach out to these young individuals. Traditional methods may not resonate with them. Instead, they are more likely to be receptive to interactive and innovative approaches, particularly those that present learning as a fun and gamified experience. This approach not only makes learning enjoyable but also enhances information retention, which is vital in addressing the skilled labor shortage.

the method

Initially, I plan to create a VR simulation featuring a cooking apprenticeship case study with simple tasks. This simulation will then be tested by pupils aged 13-15 years. To evaluate the effectiveness, I will use a quantitative approach, asking the teenagers several questions both before and after the user testing.

(preliminary) structure

Title Page

Abstract (DE/EN)

Table of Contents

List of Figures and Tables

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Chapter 1: Introduction

Background and context of the study

Statement of the problem

Research objectives and questions

Significance of the study

Thesis structure

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Educational psychology and cognitive science theories related to learning in VR

The evolution and state of VR technology

VR in education and apprenticeship training

The role of realism and immersion in VR learning

VR content creation and design principles

User experience and HCI in VR

Chapter 3: Theoretical Framework

Framework for creating realistic insights into apprenticeships using VR

Integration of educational theories and VR technology

Chapter 4: Methodology

Research design

Data collection methods

Participants and sample selection

Data analysis procedures

Chapter 5: VR Content Development

VR hardware and software

Design and development of the chef’s apprenticeship VR simulation

User interface design and interaction techniques

Chapter 6: Implementation and Evaluation

Implementation of the VR simulation

Data collection for evaluation

Analysis of learning outcomes

User feedback and surveys

Comparison with traditional cooking apprenticeship learning methods

Chapter 7: Results and Discussion

Presentation of findings

Discussion of the effectiveness of the VR simulation

Interpretation of data

Comparison with existing literature

Implications of the results

Chapter 8: Conclusion and further Development

Summary of key findings

Contributions to the field

Final thoughts, recommendations and further development





February – March 2024 – working on the prototype, theoretical part

March – June 2024 – working on the prototype, theoretical part

July – August 2024 Testing, Evaluation, conclusion

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