Exposé Masterthesis

@Birgit Bachler: Feedback for Expose

Working title:
Inclusive Employment: A Platform for Women’s Job Opportunities

  • The problem: The starting point is the challenges that women face when trying to find one-day/ contract or similar job positions due to reasons such as pregnancy, family issues, money, cultural reasons and other circumstances. The lack of flexible work options tailored to these constraints hampers women’s economic empowerment and independence.
  • State of research: Existing information shows the importance of finding a solution for this but platforms often lack a focus on one-day or short-term contract jobs that align with the requirements of women facing limitations in employment.
  • Question: How can the creation of such a platform empower women who have constraints related to full-time jobs and help them have a better life?

  • The hypothesis:
    The main hypothesis/objective of my master’s thesis is to use inclusive design to create a platform that would empower women who have difficulties and constraints concerning work hours or contracts. A lot of the time happens that women cannot work or have difficulties finding jobs because of several reasons: no education, pregnancy, and maternity. the need for flexible working arrangements. This would also be a great tool for women from low-income countries/ unstable economically countries. So, my main idea is to have a platform that would allow women to have different types of jobs, even some without prior experience and to be able to create CV there and put skills. I want it to be easy to use for women from different countries and for it to help them grow financially and personally. This way women with limited resources would have access to earning opportunities and more economic independence.
  • The method: Literature review, research, finding already existing interviews, conducting interviews, analysis of already existing solutions/platforms.

  • Structure:
    2. Literature review
    3. Interviews and Surveys
    4. First drafts and user testings
    5. Design
    6. Conclusion and recommendations
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