Finding the right approach for my research

In this blog post I’m going to focus on the topics I worked on during the last two weeks. Inspired from a lecturer I did my research about all the topics connected to my proposed master thesis, that I got in touch during the last year. In the first week I searched for different keywords exclusively, giving me the freedom to dive deeper into very different disciplines without getting lost in detail. The second week was dedicated to clustering, arranging and finally lead to a mind-map.

topics for mind-map

In the following section I want to give an overview of the mind-map and discuss how working with a mind map helped me in my research. The mind-map itself was made with a tool called Miro and shows the clustered topics according the ones mentioned in the upper section.

With the described approach, I want to overcome the pressure I put on me when researching topics. By separating data collection and processing, I want to achieve a feeling of freedom and curiosity that gives me excess to my true interests without being influenced by narratives distracting me. Moreover, this process gives me the freedom needed to switch my focus within topics without the urge of coming to a conclusions, as this will be done later while data processing.

While this is only the clustering of my findings and not all of this year’s topics are on the map, this process truly helped me visualizing my findings as well as showing me potential intersections.

The following blog posts will provide a closer look at the topics including filtering the most relevant aspects and further developing the map.

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