IMPULSE #2_”Designing Disney Magic and Disney World” – World Usability Congress 2024

For my second Impuls Blog entry I refer to the talk I heard at the World Usability Congress 2024. The speech was held by Dan Hamer-Hodges who is working at the Walt Disney Company. Even though I have to admit the talk itself was not really good in terms of how the presenter talked and the content he delivered, I took something important away with me. Dan was talking about how he and his team delivered the Disney Magic through the Disney PhotoPass. He mentioned that you always pay attention to details. They developed an AR application where visitor can use their own phone and interact with Disney characters. In the development phase they focused on the interaction with the character as well as the 3D model and its perfectly design especially when it comes to details. Also was he mentioned that the photographers which take photos of visitors in the park how they create an extraordinary experience where also lightning plays a huge role.

Why I mention this for my impuls? This talk made me think about my project and that I also should keep the details in mind which can enhance the experience in VR to another level. Creating very detailed 3D models as well as keep lightning as natural as possible. Also another layer would be sound and haptic feedback. Everything which takes part of creating a holistic experience for the user.


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