Impulse #3 Methodological approach: ProtoPie

This time my impulse is going in a completely different direction. Until now, I have always examined my subject from a content point of view, but now I have found that the methodological point of view should not be lost either, nd the closer I get to my master’s thesis, the more important it becomes. Coincidentally, I discovered the tool ProtoPie during a course at that time. ProtoPie is a tool to create high fidelity prototypes and bring them to life. It is characterized by a user interface that is quick to learn and the decisive advantage for me is that little or no code is needed. With this tool you can provide your prototype with all the desired interactions and thus create an actual user flow. You can also display the app on your mobile phone and operate it as if it were already programmed. For me, ProtoPie is a real blessing and I will definitely use it in the course of my master’s thesis. I think that the tool will help me greatly with user testing, i.e. also the presentation of the final result and I am already looking forward to trying it around more. It was good for me to have an impulse in the methodological direction, in order to have a better feeling of how I want to implement my topic.

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