Impulse #4: Video on Digital Wellbeing – oder wie wir in einer digitalisierten Gesellschaft leben wollen

Nowadays it is becoming more difficult to maintain a healthy balance with social media and technology and for a lot of people it is a challenge as well. For my fourth impulse I chose a video posted by Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle Fernsehen in which they discussed the topic of Digital Wellbeing with other experts from the field. They shed a light on this issue and gave some insights.

One interesting concept that I liked was discussion of whether FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) can be transformed to JOYO (Joy of Missing Out) as this is one of the most critical fears a person has when trying to change their media/device usage. For a lot of people balance with social media, use of technologies is a difficult topic and it is important to be able to decide which technologies are good or bad for ourselves, which to waive, which type of media usage is the right one.

Crucially, all of this is difficult for adults but even more difficult for younger generation because medias and devices are part of their socialisation with peers, self-confidence, growing up, etc. So, the solution of completely avoiding media and technologies is not a solution nowadays because doing so will only isolate person from other people and the world.

This video also discussed an important topic: the differences of media perception. It was stated that research showed that men and women perceive social medias and experience them differently, which I have never actually thought before but also think it is an interesting topic to explore for my future posts.

In conclusion, it was insightful to see that this topic gets more attention and researchers are trying to find solutions. This impulse also gave me ideas for my future research.


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