IMPULSE #5_Zero to Start VR Podcast

I recently joined the gym and my new habit is to listen to an podcast episode every time while sweating on the cross trainer. To get the best out of my time there I decided to start a podcast about VR Development. I found the “Zero to Start VR Podcast” on Spotify and gave it a shot. It is about two women where one of them has no experience in VR development and she wants to create a project she can publish on the Oculus Start developer program. In each episode the two ladies talk about her progress and about other VR related topics.

What I really like about the podcast is that the ladies start from scratch and also talk about how to install Unity and what she struggles with at the beginning. In one of their first episodes they talked about when starting with VR development you should wear rose-colored glasses and be super optimistic even when it’s going to be a super bumpy road. And this is the approach I am going for. Just do it. Just start and don’t worry.

What I don’t like that much is that there is a lot of bla bla and quite some beating around the bush. I understand that when they started, in the third episode COVID-19 and the pandemic started and they had to switch to remote recording and nothing was happening on their side but it was also a great start for VR Dev the time to shine. I am currently on episode 8 and I’m curious how it will continue.


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