Impulse #6_100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People

Continuing my journey of reading through the most popular design literature (previously read: Hooked by Nir Eyal and The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman), I looked at 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People by Susan Weinschenk.

I found this book to be rather an amalgamation of many other design resources. In that way, it’s a quick, very visual guide to many design basics. However, I felt this repetitiveness made it less useful for anyone even a little familiar with design. The 100 things ranged from the very familiar (ex. 9. “People believe that things that are close together belong together”) to the less familiar, and more nuanced (ex. 74. “Stories and anecdotes persuade more than data alone”). I still found this book to be a good refresher on some basic points, offering food for thought and helpful data points to return to.

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