Matt Corrall held a guest lecture at our institution at the FH Joanneum. He works as design director at the company Ultraleap which is known for their devices with handtracking controls.
As I am very interested in spatial design and VR as well, I found his talk at the atelier super inspiring and wanted to delve deeper into his work. On his website I found another speech he held at the Interaction 23 Conference in Zurich, Switzerland.
During his talk Matt mentioned a lot of interesting aspects designer need to consider when designing for interfaces for the future.
- Virtual environments with hand tracking is more intuitive as with controllers. Users do not need to remember which button does what. Also gestures have a natural variance.
- How user interact with certain objects is quite interesting. It depends of the size of the object. Is the object rather small the index finger and thumb is used, for bigger objects the whole hand is used and for really big objects, people use both hands.
- Objects needs to be signified if they are interactive e.g. by glowing or label when hovering/going over the specific object
- Objects have to have three dimensional aspects. A button is instantly know to be triggered when it has a physical appearance. In general UI components work best when they are in 3D.
- Wearable UI is really important for certain interactions. But they should only be triggered when needed
- Exaggerated feedback: To simulate haptics in VR is not possible (yet). That the user understands that a trigger/interaction was made, the feedback has to be clearly visible and in best case be exaggerated.
- In general every/most of the VR applications have their own interaction and process, a tutorial before first usage is very important to clarify the upcoming experience.
Generally speaking the talk and the website of Matt Corrall is very interesting to me and has a lot of helpful insights. Can recommend 10/10 😊