Ontology & Epistemology


In examining the nature of reality in the context of my research topic, I recognize certain assumptions about the phenomena or issues I would like to explore. The nature of reality in this case revolves around the complex relationship between social media, particularly Instagram, and teenage wellbeing. I recognize that I am making assumptions about the existence of challenges and consequences associated with teenagers’ social media use.

These assumptions can be considered as subjective constructs, influenced by personal experiences and cultural factors. The challenges young people face when navigating social media platforms are not objective facts, but are closely linked to the diverse perceptions, experiences and cultural contexts that shape individuals’ interactions with these platforms. Understanding the problems and potential solutions is therefore dynamic and subject to interpretation based on the different perspectives through which different stakeholders view the issues at hand. Kids & Teenagers are struggling with the toxic influence of social media (i.e. the app Instagram) as they start to question their body, their looking, their outfits, the things they do and have and so one. You can also consider these as objective facts as there are several studies about the influence of social media on teenagers and the bad consequences. For example eating disorders, suicide rate, overall dissatisfaction & insecurity.


In terms of the study of knowledge, my approach is multi-layered and draws on a variety of sources to develop a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. Primary sources include empirical data collected through surveys and interviews that provide valuable insight into the lived experiences and perceptions of youth, parents, and educators regarding social media use.

Theoretical frameworks also play a crucial role in shaping my understanding and provide a conceptual basis for interpreting the complexities of the phenomena. I recognize the importance of combining theoretical perspectives with empirical observations to paint a holistic picture of the research subject.

However, it is important to recognize the potential limitations of this approach. While empirical data and theoretical frameworks contribute significantly to knowledge gain, they may not capture the full range of subjective experiences or cultural subtleties. Furthermore, my own background and perspective inevitably influence the interpretation of research findings. Being aware of these potential biases is crucial to ensure the rigor and validity of the study. I strive to remain open to diverse viewpoints and continually reflect on how my own experiences may influence my interpretation of the research, thus minimizing the impact of potential inherent biases on the study’s findings.

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