
My prototype shows 4 scenarios and their solutions in an app that will be created especially for ADHD people. It is designed to organize and prioritize tasks and to work through them in a structured way.
These scenarios can be tested in the further course of the work of people with ADHD.

Scenario 01 – Overwhelm

Lars feels overwhelmed by all the task he ahs to do. To feel less stressed he wants to otganize them.

Scenario 02 – Distraction

Lars wants to work on a task but he is easily distracted by his phone. He wants to be more productive.

Scenario 03 – Prioritisation

Ther is so much to do. Lars doesn´t know where to beginn. All the Tasks are just floating in his head.

Scenatio 04 – Geting started

Lars is waisting his time scroling on instagram. feeling very guilty about it. Not doing the work he wanted to do.

Prototype Video

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