Current State and Outlook

Mind Map Update

I expanded the mind map by adding the topic “Tangible User Interfaces” which I already discussed in my previous post. Now the mind map consists of 84 sources and is categorized in 6 main topics. In the next semester I will continue with this format by adding new relevant sources as I see great value in it.

Here you can see the topic named “Tangible User Interfaces”, which has been added to the mind map recently:

Final Presentation

As this is the last blog post for this semester, I would like to take the opportunity and share the slides I made for my final presentation. By doing so, this not only gives a great overview of all the topics I did research on but also underlines my current vision and goals for the next semester.

The presentation will be presented in a very restricted format called “Pecha Kucha” and consists of 10 slides á 20 seconds. Despite being very challenging, this format forces me to condense my research topic even further.

So without further ado, here you can take a look at my final presentation:


For the next Semester, I want to explore different media technologies to discover the
“sweet spot” between the digital and analog medium. Therefore I am looking forward to all the upcoming lectures giving me new insights into programs and concepts.

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