Technology for Refugees

To understand more about the possibilities that refugees can get that could make their new life feel easier and in control, I decided to research what is more “out there”.

  • Where 2 Help 

This is an online platform that lets people volunteer, which was created by Vienna-based developers. There are two ways of using the platform: a person can register either as a refugee or someone who wants to help [1]. This software also won at the “Refugee Hack Vienna”[2] event.

  • The Welcome Card

A lot of refugees face problems while trying to establish a legal identity in a new country. The Welcome Card [3] is a biometric identity management system, which uses Radio-frequency identification technology [4]. It is active in 25 countries, collects fingerprints, iris scans, and photographs, and can link them to citizenship records and dates of birth. 

This can also help refugees to check their application status, details about language courses, transport, etc.

  • Annie Moore

Annie Moore (named after the first immigrant registered at New York’s Ellis Island in 1892) is the AI-powered software [5]. It helps in placing refugees in locations where they are most likely to be successful in gaining employment. 







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