The ambiDice

The ambiDice is a small tangible interface that enables players of TRPGs to immerse more into their games through sound experiences. The dice consists of a microcontroller that supports WIFI functionality to connect to it. The raw sensor data is sent to AmbietMusicBox, which is a self-contained software to process the audio values. The implementation of the scripting language has been refined after multiple user tests.

As the device is still in development there are a few factors that make the usability of the device open for improvement. While the idea is good and the first prototype is already working and being tested, there are a few major questions that are still unanswered for me.

  1. Does the dice actually work as a dice and is it fair?
  2. How good is the audio quality?
  3. Does the dice need to be charged? How long does its battery last? TRPG sessions are usually going for many hours.

Once these questions are answered the ambiDice will improve greatly in my opinion.

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