The evolution of master’s thesis topic idea

Being on a journey of searching for the right topic and question for my master’s thesis that I would want to explore was quite difficult for me because there were different things and ideas, that were interesting to me, and a lot of thoughts about them on my mind. For me the important part of it was to have something that matters and would be helpful as well.

What helped me to “clean up” all my thoughts and confusion was the last meeting with Ursula Lagger and after that, I decided to focus more on what outcome or experience I would want to provide for others with my idea. Based on the research I did and also on the previous ideas I had, I decided to work with the question: How does participation in a women-centric career empowerment platform influence career advancement, job search, and satisfaction among women?

With this, I hope to explore what experience women have when starting their careers, what helped to build careers for those who are already working; show the positive changes that occur when women support and empower each other and create a supportive environment in the professional sphere.

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