The Plan

For the remainder of this term of Design & Research, I will develop a mobile application using as many AI tools as possible, and document my experiences here. In order to test the limits of these tools, I will be working with subject matter than runs at the edge of most data sets – the experiences of underprivileged women.

The app is called ProspHER, and was ideated and designed in partnership with Nagyija Bogás, for our course App Design this semester. I will expand on initial designs created in Figma with copywriting and image generation, as well as carry out user research and testing – all with the help of various AI tools.

Below are several screens from ProspHER. The app works as a job search platform for women with no or little formal training, and/or unusual working hours. Users can search for jobs based on their available hours, interests, and skills. They can quickly build a CV and add past job experiences easily from the ‘history’ tab.

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