UPDATE: Expanding on the VR Game Experience: Creating an Engaging Journey for Player

Hi there, as I mentioned in my last blog post that I started focusing on another apprenticeship, I changed the storyboard. Here you can find the updated storyboard:

The story:

Imagine working in a hotel as a chef apprentice and the chef tells you that you are in charge of the starters of tonights dinner session. The starters were already prepared and only the sauce needs to be added. The waitress stops by to get the first starters for the evening. You prepare them and send them with her. She comes back frequently to get the other starters. In between she rushes to you for a special task: a kid wants to have a Wiener Schnitzel with fries. Therefore you need to rush back to the fridge, grab some meat and prepare the Schnitzel. Fries are located in the freezer and you put it into the fryer. The waitress comes back as she needs to have starters again.

Luckily, the evening went smooth, clients are happy and its time to clean up. The chef asks you what you’d like to drink and that you are in charge for the music.

After the feedback with Brigit she suggested to have customization at the beginning rather than the end of the game to keep the user engaged.

Add on:

After some research I found a website called https://www.berufe-vr.at. They offer a 360°-view videos where user can gather insights into several apprenticeships in Austria. I’ll get in touch with them and check if I can find out who created this experience.

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