Master Thesis Research Start (AR)

Augmented reality (AR) is something that combines the physical and virtual worlds. It overlays digital images in your physical view. Augmented reality gives you an enhanced version of the real physical world visualized digitally with the same effects and sensory sounds and elements. 


To research how to create and apply AR art to my existing and following art pieces. The research would include the history of augmented reality, technical research regarding software, limitations and accessibility, state-of-the-art research and consultation in exhibition design.

Master thesis title: Interactive Storytelling Through Augmented Reality in Art and Art Exhibitions


Example – Ju Schnee – AR art installation Hamburg

Augmented reality art galleries

“Augmented reality can transform the artworks before the viewers’ eyes. This allows putting the potential of an endlessly expressive story-telling technology into the hands of galleries and their audience’s lives.”

Brief history of AR

These early systems superimposed virtual information on the physical environment (e.g., overlaying a terrain with geological information), and allowed simulations that were used for aviation, military and industrial purposes.,for%20wearables%20and%20digital%20displays

Tapping into Exhibition design

“Exhibition design is the process of conveying information through visual storytelling and environment. It is an integrative, multidisciplinary process that often combines architecture, interior design, graphic design, experience and interaction design, multimedia and technology, lighting, audio, and other disciplines to create multi-layered narratives around a theme or topic.”

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