Since I finally have a possible project for my master thesis I thought this to be a good point in time to think about a structure for the written part, so I know what to research and where to start.
In the following I will write down the possible chapter and briefly address why I think them important and what they will contain.
Theoretical Part:
The importance of our oceans
This chapter will discuss why the ocean is so important to our existence as humans. Since the thesis will strongly focus on arctic oceans this chapter will possibly also discuss specifics of the importance of especially arctic oceans
The ocean in the Anthropocene
This chapter will focus on the current state of our oceans and to what extent humans are
responsible for it’s current developments. This chapter will also delve deeper in regard to
state of arctic oceans.
Noise pollution in the ocean
This chapter will discuss the dramatic effects noise pollution has on our oceans, especially the arctic.
Conservation film
This chapter will discuss what a conservation film is.
History of conservation films
This chapter will discuss the history of conservation films, its milestones and developments.
Impact of conservation films
This chapter will discuss how effective conservation films actually are and what can be achieved with them.
How to create an impact with conservation films
This chapter will deal with all the opportunities to create impact. This chapter will basically function as the bridge between the theoretical part and the methodology. This chapter will explore all possibilities to create impact or an emotional connection with the audience that
the thesis will explore in the following parts. For example story, colour grading, sound and actually being relevant for the time the film is produced in. Or in other words hitting the Zeitgeist.
The second part or the theis will deal with the question on how to actually hit the zeitgeist and create an impactful film. After that is done the rest of this part will follow the structure of making a conservation film and will talk about how these findings where implemented and moreover how other factors like colour grading can be used to further strengthen the the emotional impact the film has on the audience.
Before I delve into the method of how I want to find out what the zeitgeist is and will be in the years to come,
I want to adress that my methodology is not yet final and I first want to talk to my professor and you if that really makes sense for this project.
But first I should probably explain what this methodology that I am thinking about actually is.
I am currently enrolled in the course Sustainability Transitions at NTNU and the main goal of the course basically is to predict the future. In the course we use the ViP model analyze a current situation deconstruct it, find patterns and try to predict societal transformations to ultimately introduce theories and methods for sustainability transitions. In my case I would use this model to see what will be important for future auciences. The whole process however is very philosophical and very ambivalent and leaves a lot of room for interpretation. Thats why I am not sure if it’s a good fit for the thesis. Nevertheless I find this approach really interesting and I think it could yield very interesting results.
Pre Production
All the subchapters in this part will inccoporate findings from the methodology
Post production
Color Grading
Film Festivals
Social Media
For all prodcution related chapters I will most likely add more chapters in the proecess.