Chopsticks in a Shooting Schedule?

Just recently I was thinking about how unfortunate it is, that my main resource so far has been a book in German (as I will be writing the thesis in English). While starting a glossary for my future work (which obviously will include terms used in production management) I found out that I don’t have a clue what “Pensen” or “Stäbchen” are called in English industry standards. So here’s a short table explaining what each of them are and how they are called in English.

Spoiler: “Stäbchen” are not called chopsticks.

StripboardStripboardA production document looking like a list in which you can organize scenes by using strips.
StäbchenStripsParts of a stripboard used to plan shoots. There are three different types: scene strips, daybreaks and banners.
PensenShooting OrderThe result after ordering the strips by various parameters like location, actor availability, etc. divided by banners.
DaybreakDaybreakA black strip that marks the end of a shooting day. All strips above the daybreak will be shot that day.
BannerBannerCustom strip that represents time which is not meant for shooting. Might be used for breaks, moves, meals, etc.
FriedhofBoneyardStrips that are non-essential or have been removed due to changes in the skript or delays go to the boneyard. Works like an archive.
DrehplanFilm Production ScheduleThe plan every production follows to ensure a smooth execution. A breakdown of information necessary for a successful shoot.
Drehplan (für einzelne Departments)Call SheetA document distributed to the cast and crew that provides specific details about the shooting schedule for a particular day, including call times, scenes to be shot, locations, and other important information.
Day/Night Ext./Int.:Day/Night Ext./Int.These abbreviations indicate whether a scene will be shot during the day (Day), at night (Night), or both (Ext./Int.). It helps organize the schedule and allocate resources accordingly.
SetwechselUnit MoveThe relocation of the entire cast and crew from one shooting location to another. It involves the coordination of logistics, transportation, and equipment.
The beginning of some sort of glossary

As the previous table states, this is just the beginning and first attempts at making a glossary. This list will grow over time as I read and learn more about production management.





StudioBinder: How to Make a Better Shooting Schedule with a Stripboard. In: StudioBinder Blog, (last seen June 22 2023)

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