Des Res – Intellectual Standards

1. Current project idea:

The current project focuses on the exploration of video production in a vertical format. The problem is the growing demand for vertical videos due to the increasing usage of smartphones and social media platforms, which often display content in portrait orientation. The research question seeks to understand the best practices and techniques for creating engaging and visually engaging videos specifically designed for vertical viewing. The project aims to investigate the impact of vertical videos on viewer engagement, user experience, and content consumption patterns. By addressing this research question, the project aims to provide insights and recommendations for video creators to optimize their video production strategies for the vertical format.

3. Questions of different categories:


Q: Could you give me an example?
A: The current project focuses on evaluating the impact of including motion graphics in vertical videos for educational content delivery on digital platforms.


Q: How could you verify or test that?
A: I could verify the impact of motion graphics in educational vertical videos through experiments, surveys, or comparative analysis.


Q: Could you give me more details?
A: I could gather feedback from learners who experienced educational vertical videos with motion graphics. Evaluate their engagement, understanding, and overall learning experience through surveys or interviews.


Q: How does that relate to the problem?
A: The methods verify if the created motion graphic improve engagement and comprehension in online educational vertical videos.


Q: What factors make this a difficult problem?
A: User experience, content adaptation, visual design, pedagogical considerations, and technical limitations, making it a challenging problem.


Q: Do you need to consider another point of view?
A: To consider another point of view I could look at the learner’s perspective.


Q: Does all this make sense together?
A: Yes, all the points mentioned make sense together but it is really important to look at multiple perspectives and do a lot of research. 


Q: Is this the central idea to focus on?
A: Yes, the central idea to focus on.


Q: Do you have any vested interest in this issue?
A: Since I have an education as a teacher I have expierience and interest in finding another way to combine my current education with my former in creating  educational videos.

4. Potential for improvement:

Since I did not know exactly what project I could use it totaly helped me to find one. Educational vertical videos are a “new” and creative way to use videos as  educational programm but is also a complex challenge. Limited screen space, attention spans, user experience, and adaptability are key considerations. To succeed, I should consider diverse perspectives, specific content, and technology for useful outcomes.

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