Impuls V: Steinhorster Bruch 

When I was at home over the holidays my grandparents and I went to the Steinhorster Bruch which is a huge protecting breeding area for birds with multiple small lakes and Forrests. I just bought the Sony a7IV and the 200-600 G so it was time to test these out. My goal for the trip was to more actively focus filmmaking instead of photography. That is something I always struggled with so I wanted to address this. The problem is when I go out with the goal to just shoot videos or pictures it is very easy for me to just do that. But when it comes to hybrid shooting I usually end up being hyper focused on one thing (usually photography) and completely neglecting the other. So I often end up with the perfect images but not a singular video. So that’s why I wanted to actively try to both. But it proved to be kinda hard. In situation where there is only one thing possible, for example a bird flying by my brain seems to value photos a lot more and automatically tries to just shoot pictures. With actively addressing that issue I got somewhat an even ratio, however I really have to actively try to not take photos. I’ll try again on my next trips and hopefully achieve a flow state in both categories without thinking about it too much. 

Anyway here are some pictures from the trip: 

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