Impulse #1 – Master thesis research

We had to do some research about the master thesis form previous years. We had to choose on and analyze it. I choose for the one of Florian Reithofer (CMS17) – Projektmanagement für motion designer. This thesis was about how motion design studios and freelancers face the challenge of freedom and unstructured thinking combined with completing milestones and finishing deadlines in time. Something what I also struggle with as a freelancer so I that’s why I choose for this one.

I think it was really interested to see how the thesis was build up compared what I’m used to of my bachelor thesis that I wrote in the Netherlands. I saw a lot of theory but less practical stuff what I would have expected. I also could not find a good result of the thesis (which is possible) but there was not really a product with the thesis only a theory of what could be the best way of managing a project.

Besides that, the thesis was well structured and well designed. Which was very pleasant to read. I also found a lot of other theses in the library that were less clear. But it gave some insight what is possible for my thesis. I discovered it’s quite open what the end result could be.

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